week 3

although being prideful doesn’t make you a bad person you still have to consider the other person’s feelings and when someone is telling you something you don’t want to believe like the profit tried to tell the king he’s the reason the previous king is dead he didn’t want to accept that he might’ve had something to do with his death until he heard the whole story and made sense of the situation, sometimes that’s how people are they don’t listen or react too quickly and make decisions out of anger then immediately regret it because they realize they overreacted at that moment or feel like you know more than another person, especially an older person. A lot of people are blinded by their own behavior so it takes a friend or someone new that’s not around every day like an outsider to tell you about things you doing wrong and even still that can turn into a problem because people do not like the truth, especially about themselves so they live in denial and tries to perceive themselves a certain way with the narrative of no one knows or sees the real me

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