
The story Bluebeard I agree is a scary tale of a man that the whole town talks about being cruel and kills all his wive’s many we’re scared of him. One day out in the woods some girls from the village met him and because he showed compassion of kindness the youngest sister decided to give him her hand. I think his death could have been prevented had she not been so curious about the keys he had given her and let her sisters talk her into going into all the rooms to find the door they key fir in. I also believe after opening the door and realizing the key had begun to bleed she should have told her husband the truth about what has happened with her sisters, keys, and the blood that wouldn’t stop bleeding he may have not immediately attacked her. i don’t think he was a bad man I think because no one trusted or listen to him he reacted in a bad way so therefore she brought that on herself.

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