Week 3 Yaqoob Khan

What human behaviors have you witnessed in your own life that you see in Oedipus the King? 

The behaviours that I have witnessed in my life that I have also noticed in Oedipus the king are that people jump into conclusion before they can hear the full story they tend to find their own answer and assume that what they think is exactly what happened just by listening to a small portion of a story. Another thing I noticed is that Oedipus sometimes tends to look down on people with arrogance and pride I have seen that quality in people which has led to their downfall really quickly. Odepius also has good behaviour that I see in my day to day life like he actually tried to do good for his people no matter what he strived to help his people and try to solve the porblems that they suffered from he tried to be a good role model  he strived to revenge the past king by honouring him and finding the killer with good intentions and  by saying he was like a father figure to him which shows the respect he had for him.

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