Week 03 Discussion Instructions

Golden mask of Dionysos
RudolfSimon, CC BY-SA 3.0

Aristotle has written that “poetry is a higher form than history.” He qualifies that history is the story of a particular event that happens at a particular time to a particular person or group, while literature is the story of what is universal in the human experience.

What human behaviors have you witnessed in your own life that you see in Oedipus the King? Be as specific as possible in your answer.

To submit your Week 3 post, follow the steps below.

1. Scroll up to the black strip at the top of the screen and click the black “plus” sign inside the white circle. It is located to the right of the course title.
2. In the box that appears, type in a title that includes your first name, last name, and the words “Discussion 3 (example: John Hart Discussion 3).
3. Type your response in the text box. Remember that your first post must be at least 150 words in order to receive full credit.
4. Navigate to the right side of the screen and choose the Post Category “Week 3 Discussion.”
5. Publish the post by clicking the blue button on the right.
6. Please leave a thoughtful reply to the post of one other classmate. Remember that your comments to others should be at least 75 words in order to receive full credit.