To start I want to say, Thank you to Ms. Celeste Conway for being a great English teacher during the Fall semester, taking her time to answer emails, and being on top of the work needed to pass the class & mini quizzes. Love that Ms.Conewy was very clear with her assignments and always re-read with us the readings, deadlines,and outlines for papers. The work of literature that was more meaningful to me was -poetry. Poetry played a big role to me in this class because i was able to learn more deeply about it and how to read behind the sonnet of each line. Of all the different poems we read my favorite one was “How Do I Love Thee” by Elizabeth Barrett because it shows a quality of beauty and intensity of emotion regarding the characteristics in the poem.I would say overall the course was very manageable with meetings and homework. The only thing I did struggle with was doing the research paper while also having other classwork. Managing is a big deal while having to spend time with family, friends, and a job. I’m happy to say that as a classmate, I’m proud of each one of us completing this course.I wish everyone a successful and great spring semester. enjoy, the winter break guys!
Final Discussion Board
The work of literature from this course that has had the biggest impact on me is The House On Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros. I don’t just say that because this would be the story easiest to reflect on from memory. I wholeheartedly enjoyed Cisneros’s writing. I was a bit disappointed when I realized I had read the very last vignette and I would never know the conclusion to Esperanza’s fate. Does she ever get the house she wanted? Does she become that fiercely independent woman she planned on becoming? Does she ever escape Mango Street? Does she come back for the ones who can not leave? So, many questions were running through my head. I also loved Cisneros’s writing style. Her writing felt like an art, very flowery and lyrical as if she were writing poetry. However, her writing doesn’t come off as pretentious. It is accessible and easy for most to understand. I love that she was able to keep the integrity and craftsmanship of her work, while also making the vignettes a breeze to read. It was very easy to place myself on mango street and see things from Esperanza’s eyes. I have grown very fond of the character. She reminds me of my younger self. I also moved around a lot as a kid. In 6th grade, I went to 4 different schools due to how often I moved. And I can say with confidence, by the age of 12 I had lived in every borough in NYC. Like Esperanza, I often feel like I have no real home at times, just places of dwelling. As a child, I also dreamed of escaping the places where I lived and having a home of my own. Not an apartment that I would rent and eventually have to […]