Despite growing up in a Buddhist family I can somehow relate to this week’s story. I was five when my parents moved to Nagaland, India. I attended a Christian school for 14 years. Unlike other states in India majority of the people in Nagaland are Christians, therefore you could imagine I was surrounded by Churches, retreats, revivals, fellowships and etc. When I was a junior is middle school I had to attend the summer retreat program. A lot of different people had come from different places including foreigners, to worship God, to pray and to talk about their stories of salvation. I vividly remember the last day when it was time for the prayers, people in the corners started screaming and crying. “And he held out his arms to all us young sinners there on the mourners’ bench. And the little girls cried. And some of them jumped up and went to Jesus right away. But most of us just sat there”. (Hughes para3) Similar to Langston Hughes I was one of the people who just sat there feeling ashamed of myself or more so nervous to how my friends will perceive me. Like the narrator in the story Araby I also had a crush on this cool senior in high school. I would stalk his IG and Tiktok until my data was over (back then we didn’t have wifi) but It felt like I was more so like a fan observing her Idol. My story is rather different than the narrator’s story, however like the girl was the only light in his gloomy world I think my admiration for my crush was the only reason I went to school. “I thought little of the future. I did not know whether I would ever speak to her or not or, […]