Bruno Bettelheim’s psychological oriented reading of “Little snow White” focuses on the story as metaphorical representation of a young girl’s psychological development. He argues that the tales reflects the challenges and conflicts that girls face as they transition from childhood to adolescence. On the other hand , Anne Sexton’s retelling of the fairy tale, titled “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs ,” offers a more modern and feminist perspective on the story. A tale of Terror , ” he analyzes the symbolism and girl’s transition from the sheltered world of childhood to the complexities and uncertainties of adolescence .The wicked stepmother, who is envious of Snow white’s youth and beauty ,symbolizes the girl’s own internal conflicts and struggles with her emerging sexuality and identity. Bettelheim further argues that Snow white’s interaction with seven dwarfs reflects her need to navigate the challenges of social relationships and establish her own identity. He interprets the poisoned apple as a symbol of sexual awakening and the dangers of premature encounters.
One thought on “Mikesha brown-Toussaint Discussion 11”
I totally agree with how Bettelheim sees “Little Snow White” as a story about growing up. He says it’s like a girl’s journey through tough times while becoming a teenager. Anne Sexton’s version shows Snow White’s feelings more and gives a fresh perspective on the story, focusing on how the stepmother and other things symbolize the challenges of growing up. Bettelheim saying the poisoned apple represents being too young for certain experiences makes a lot of sense, showing how the story warns about dealing with growing feelings and changes. Both ideas together really show how the tale is about a girl growing up and figuring things out.