Ajay Rai Discussion 9

“Reading a poem is part attitude and part technique,” in simple words it takes right abilities  and right perspective to understand a poem.

My feelings and thoughts when I read the poem “Train to Brooklyn” by Henry Stowe affected how I understood it. When I read the lines about “Underground tracks clank and moan, Through tunnels of brick and bone,” it made me feel a bit uneasy. This unease was because I connected the “clank and moan” with a spooky and uncomfortable sensation, and it influenced how I saw the poem. When I looked closely at how the poem was written, I noticed that it had a lot of pictures and comparisons. For example, when it talked about “tunnels of brick and bone,” it created a strong mental image of the subway’s underground tunnels. The poet used these clear images to show the subway’s character and its history.

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