Angel Jimenez Discussion week 6

In “Oedipus the King” Oedipus assumed his role as leader, Deeply feeling responsibility for the well-being of his people. He was determined to find the solution to the city’s problems. Similarly, In the United States during the pandemic of COVID-19, The government was determined to find a solution to the spreading of COVID-19. The government took measures to stop the spreading of COVID-19.  Some examples of measures taken by the government were lockdowns, practicing distancing from people, Vaccines, money aid, online studying, etc. But what I saw with my eye were Latinos in the US, the majority were wearing masks, But were not practicing the recommended 7-feet distancing. Some took the COVID vaccine and others didn’t. We were not happy with the government’s aid. (besides the money and for the majority of students the online classes) Because there were so many stories about the vaccine making people sick or getting people dying. Moreover, the government developed the vaccine rapidly, and the Latinos didn’t trust the vaccine because of that. Maybe other ethnicities were doing the same or had the same concerns. But as I lived around Latinos and as a high student, my perspective was limited to people I saw in the streets. Additionally, I remembered that I drank many types of tea back then.

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