To summarize the story “Salvation” by Langston Hughes, it all revolves around pressure. The narrator was waiting to see Jesus to save him in the church. He preached as much and as long as he could but Jesus wouldn’t come to him, which made his beliefs change. After that he cried in his bed, but then his aunt heard him cry which made her think that the holy ghost had arrived. The narrator was pressured to say that he did come but in reality he didn’t. This reminded me of when I was pressured to steal money from my parents. When they found out there was money missing and confronted me about it, I lied and said no i didn’t take it.
To summarize the story “Araby” by James Joyce, it’s about how a boy fell in love with a girl and thought she was full of bright colors when in reality it was dark, which made him fall into delusion. I remember falling into delusion when I thought Santa Claus was real until I entered high school. But then I realized that Santa Claus is really Jesus.