I think that the teacher assigned us to read short parts of the stories by GABRIEL GARCÍA MÁRQUEZ because his thoughtful stories have a meaningful background that identifies the irony of the plot. Example in the story “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings” we see that the working and upper classes see the old man differently & directly treat him as someone who isn’t worth it but is in pain… On the bright side, people in the community still understand his pain.“The Handsomest Drowned Man In the World” has a similar plot realizing the narrowness of their dreams to do better. Gabriel Marquez has similar plots to his stories that expand the understanding of the unbelievable to believable as a way of seeing things to be done in a better way.
3 thoughts on “Stephanie Flores-Disc#1”
Hello, Stephanie I like how you gave you reasoning behind why professor assigned this to us because I feel the way and agree with the meaningful backstories that both of these two story you compared. I would like to know, what pull from the main book, “The Handsomest Drowned Man In the World” ?
Carizma, please be sure your comment is not just an agreement with another student but expands the discussion into new areas.
Stephanie, thanks for the comments. However, “The Old Man with Enormous Wings” was not assigned. My reason for assigning this story is about the theme rather than about the element of irony. This story shows how stories and myths have the power to change lives and perspectives, which is what I hope will happen in this course.