Im the story “Little snow white” by Bruno Bettelheim’s is a psychological interpretation of the fairy tale Snow White. He argues and compare the fairy tell, he tell the reality and that affects to children in bad ways. He uses words like maturity, narcissism, sexual etc. Children like the story “little snow white” because that can’t understand the meaning what he his trying to say. He also says that fairy tale should not read by the kids because that affect them in wrong way and they start assuming wromg things. However Anne sexton’s retelling of the poem “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,” It shows great and meaningfull fairy tell it is about women and it shows women less valuable than men. Without women men can’t do anything thing by themself. Difference between bith the story is bruno try to tell that all the fairy tell are not good for kids they should nit read all. On the other hand Anne sexton tell the value of women and tell how important they are.
One thought on “Jainil Trivedi Discusion 11”
Jainil, I hope you will revisit the Bettleheim article. The psychologist actually believes fairy tales are beneficial to allaying the fears and anxieties of children.