In the Lyrics of “Why Do I Love You So Much?” can be described as a heartfelt expression of love and trust. The words is like a deep admiration on someone who is cherished dearly. The lyrics is of vulnerability and the need for some support during difficult times.
As for the structure and poetic elements, the lyrics “How Do I Love Thee?”(Sonnet 43).The use of the question” Why Do I Love Thee?” mirrors the questioning and tone of Browning’s sonnet .The question emphasizes the speaker’s emotions. However ,there is a rhythm and musicality in phrasing of the lines in the lyrics. Imagery in the lyrics is more emotions and memories. The mention of listening, helping and laughing suggested emotional connection and support between the speaker and the person they love. The lines “to remind me how to laugh when times are trying “is a sense of finding joy even in challenging situations.