Tiana Wynn – Week 7 Discussion

In the story “Oedipus the king”, the king creates more problems for himself by putting his emotions before logic. In the real world pride works hand in hand with anger. When anger consumes you, the truth is harder to see, as show in the story when he is first accused of murdering King Laius. Oedipus who had unknowingly killed his father did not want to believe the prophet, but it is later revealed that Oedipus had completed a prophecy of killing his father and marrying his mother. This revelation was the reason why Oedipus was so impulsive and his decision-making was poor. When Oedipus reveals the truth, his self image is shattered and as well as the loss of self identity. Oedipus who had been warned before about fate did not listen when reminded of the god’s wills and therefore, his pride was the cause of his downfall. When initially accused by the blind prophet Oedipus immediately accuses him back because Teiresias had questioned him out of his authority which causes Oedipus to act out of anger without listening which is the result of his ignorance.

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