week 4 discussion

The theme in the nineteenth century, Emily Dickson’s poem “The Wife ” echoed in “The Story of An Hour” by Kate Chopin through the conception of thoughts and emotions women have towards their independence. Mrs. Mallard was afflicted with heart trouble at the news of her husband’s death. She expressed her emotions and liberty as a result of how she felt about her husband limiting her rights “There was a feverish triumph in her eyes and she carried herself unwittingly like a goddess of victory”(paragraph 18)In other words, Mrs Mallard’s wasn’t happy and didn’t have the deepest love for her husband. therefore, his death did impact her emotionally but made her realize that she would be at peace through her independence. In Emily Dickson’s poem it states “to take the honorable work of women and of a wife” isn’t always an easy outcome because Mrs. Mallard cried out her pain and relief of the negativities she had to go through in her marriage.

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