In a post of at least 150 words, please respond to the following two questions:

In what way did you connect with the narrator in “Salvation?” Why? Refer to specific scenes or language in the story.

Salvation has a strong meaning of how the narrator loses his faith through a wish he wanted to see and never had the chance to experience.In a way i could connect with the narrator in ”salvation” by Langston Hughes because when i was small around 10 year old i’ve always had the wish and faith if visiting my grandma in another country ,while i was told from my dad “i’ll take you soon to visit her” id never got the chance to see her besides our amazing calls we had.In other words,when my grandma passed away at a certain age i had already lost my faith of believing my father in promises and i had grudge with him because my dream never came true.When you want to see something and experience an amazing wish you will always remember that faith it key but not promising .

In what way did you connect with the narrator in “Araby?” Refer to specific scenes or language in the stories.

I connect with the narrator in the article “ Araby” by James Joyce because he is a young boy with disillusionment that is full of excitement ,fun and with imagination .The narrator of the story believes these feelings will carry into his budding adulthood, but instead, he is disillusioned.This article connects with me because i’m a believable person that always get delusional for the smallest things and i agree that it does carry into your path way of growing such as adulthood therefore when you believe and get very excited over man things that you wish to happen it always end being the opposite of getting happy and excited.

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