This week we read the short story “Salvation” by Langston Hughes. While reading this story I found Hughe’s struggle with religion to be very relatable to my own struggle with faith & religion. I specifically resonated with this part of the passage. “And I kept waiting serenely for Jesus, waiting, waiting – but he didn’t come. I wanted to see him, but nothing happened to me. Nothing! I wanted something to happen to me, but nothing happened. (Hughes)” As a teen I was very religious. I saw God as an anchor in my life, keeping me safe and far from harm’s way. But when I noticed that in reality God was nowhere around me, I felt much like Hughes did in this quote. I had the words of other Christians echoing in my head, “You don’t have enough faith.”, “You were never saved to begin with.” “You aren’t praying hard enough.”. I identify with Hughes and understand what it feels like to learn that the very foundations of your beliefs may be a complete lie.
This week we also read “Araby” by James Joyce. I think that it was harder to relate to the protagonist in this story because I didn’t have many crushes as a child, especially none who were older than me. However, I do identify with the protagonist’s need to find light in the dark. The protagonist was very infatuated with his friend’s sister who he barely knew, because he wanted something to hope for despite his circumstances in life, being a poor orphan in oppressed Ireland. I think that we all look for hope in the rough patches in life, and the protagonist dealt with his need for hope in a way many children would.
One thought on “Patricia Jackson Discussion 2”
Hi patricia, I was very impressed with your personal connection regarding to the “Salvation” story, I feel that sometimes we feel lonely or faithless when we don’t hear or feel God, but at the end we know that he’s somewhere around us. But the important thing is that we can gain our faith to God back by praying and reading his word.