I feel we were given this reading for us all to internalize and think about what makes an identity. In this reading we are to think about, what event can happen that will change preceptive, settings, and people? In this book, “The Handsomest Drowned Man In The World”, we quickly realized the impacted of a mystery and unexplainable event, shine beauty and life into a village of people. While building a identity for this unknown, dead yet, handsome man, this village soon builds a identity for themselves through them being captivated by this stranger later named Esteban. They come together to send him away the right way with a funeral. They built an identity for this man, even gather other to be as his family and relative for his send off. Once given to the sea again by the people in the village and neighbors, the villagers once with no purpose or bustling work, decided to work on their own village and make it more vibrate and welcome to people like Esteban whom they adore. Both the people in these villages and Esteban gave each other something that matters in life and death, which is identity. Overall, I feel this book moving and gives me a lot of food for thought.
Daily Archives: September 3, 2023
In the short story ” The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World”, written by Gabriel Garcia Marquez the author describes the wonder and appeal of discovering something unexpected, becoming fascinated and curious of it’s beauty. It perfectly encapsulates a person’s reaction to the unknown, and how they will create narratives to try and comprehend and explain what is before them. I believe the professor assigned this short story because it’s a symbolic gateway into opening up our creativity and to not be afraid of new possibilities but rather embrace them. Being open minded and willing to learn is a lesson displayed by the villager’s in the story, as there point of view had shifted after the encounter with the handsome drowning man. It represent how we should also remember to see things through an open mind and embrace the unexpected as it may serve as way in order to better our lives.
The story “The handsomest Drowned man” it is a very good story by “Gabriel Garcia marquez”. In this story author is describing a fishing village and one day some handsome long man drowned to that village he was dead they were very curious to watch him they clean is body and taking care of the body and they don’t have space in there house but steal they want to make big house for him.In this cruial world the good people are also there we can say that by people are taking care of the dead man. I think professor has given this reading for the first week because for the understanding of figure and hope . After that the lady was so obessed with the esteban and want to change the surrounding for him.so from this we can learn that we have to change for people and we have to always help them in any situation.
Hello everybody, my name is Carizma and I’m attending BMCC so that I can take credits and prerequisites to transfer to a four year college. I will be taking classes to become a nursing student hopefully in New York. This semester, my goal is to focus on all my classes, be better at time management, and procrastination hopefully. One thing that I’ve really taken an interest in this year has been my Youtube channel. I can say it’s really began to be a passion of mine, and has shown me, you will never know till you try, and it truly inspires me everyday to keep going with my content. As I sit and type this, I’m very optimistic and excited for this semester, and hope to be on top of my game academically.
“The Most Handsome Drowned Man “by Gabriel Garcia Marquez ,the Author is describing a very tall ,handsome breath taking man that drowned and was found by villagers in a small town. The decease was so handsome that when then the women in the village saw him they began day dreaming , they called him Esteban , his body was built. Even the men was in shock of his beauty .I think professor choose this reading first so we can use our imaginations.
The short story “ The Most Handsome Drowned Man” by Grabiel Garcias Marquez shows how people interact with beautiful and unexpected things. And also how people make stories about things they don’t know about. I believe that the professor assigned this short story as the first reading because it shows how some people have creativity, are curious, and interact with unexpected things differently and how they improve their lives because of that. An example of their life improvements is when the people were thinking of making their house door, and ceiling bigger, so Esteban’s memory can pass easily. And other people can stay the same as before when an unexpected thing happens. An example of that is when the men were thinking about why the women were putting so many things on Esteban. He will be the food of a shark anyway.
The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World” is a short story by the renowned Colombian author Gabriel García Márquez. The narrative revolves around a small fishing village that discovers the body of a massive, drowned man washed ashore. Initially, the villagers are curious about this stranger, but as they begin to clean and prepare his body for burial, they become increasingly enchanted by his unparalleled beauty and stature. They imagine a life for him, giving him the name “Esteban.” The women, particularly, are taken by Esteban, comparing their husbands and the men in their lives unfavorably to this idealized figure. As the story progresses, Esteban’s presence begins to transform the villagers’ perspectives on their own lives and the limitations of their small world. They dream of a grander existence, inspired by the drowned man. In the end, they give him a spectacular funeral and make changes to their village in honor of his memory. Through this tale, García Márquez beautifully examines the power of myth and the human tendency to elevate the unknown. I guess that the professor made this work our first assignment not because he wanted to convey that our world is full of unknown forces that we do not yet know.
Welcome to ENG 201 Introduction to Literature on the BMCC OpenLab platform. I look forward to an interesting semester of reading, writing, and sharing ideas.. Before exploring this website, please be sure to complete the E-Learning Orientation on your Blackboard home page. Next, please browse through the main menu above, which includes: Home, Announcements, Course Information, Help and Resources, Professor Conway, Questions, Shared Student Essays, and Discussions. Please pay special attention to Course Information. Now navigate to the Weekly Folders on the side menu. Click on Week 1 and complete the activities on the page.