letter to freshman


dear freshman here are some tips I recommend you to help with your first year !

1. be ready for all the upcoming essays !! yes there will be many in your classes the first year but to not scare you the topics are mostly easy to understand its just the amount of writing professors will demand can be challenging. I recommend to check out the writing center. they will teach you ways you can improve your writing in many ways. you actually learn things teachers don't teach during high school for your writing to be more formal.

2. be veryyyy cautious with what hours you choose for your classes. for example, if you work at night DO NOT choose morning class as I promise you will want to fall asleep during class more then once. it can make it harder for you to get to class on time as you have a high chance of sleeping in and it will be harder to concentrate in class.

3. put in the effort with your professors!! the professors here teach hundreds of students so as you imagine it is hard for them to focus on each individual. this is why it is very easy for them to overlook the students who don't ever take the time to ask questions or make any comments in class. it is important to keep up by sending emails to address any missing assignment's or you will quickly fall back and that could affect your grades.

4. take advantage !! college offers so many things such as free tutoring, lounging/study areas, books, clubs you can join take the time to explore the campus as you will see just how much support there is for you!!

5. Be mindful of all the apps BMCC requires their students to use some which are, brightspace, openly, navigate360, and pulse. These are just a few as there are many you must get the hang of or it could ge confusing with reviewing assignments and your grades for each class.
These are some of the top tips I hope you found helpful. I wish you the best your first year if college you got this!!

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