Michael Pollan the omnivore’s dilemma shows the challenge of choosing what to eat when there are so many things to choose from.Even tho people can eat basically anything not everything is ok to eat which is why things like cultural food traditions were made to help people when it came to these choices but now alot of those traditions aren’t followed as closely and people just eat whatever whenever.
8- Pollan believes that vegetarian has grown in recent times due too the growing amount of people questioning of old meat eating habits.”But also that the cultural norms and rituals that used to allow people to eat meat without agonizing about it have broken down”(3)
9-Pollan uses the term “schizoid quality” to show the way people would love and care for animals like cats and dogs but would never look towards animals like pigs and cows.”We tolerate this schizophrenia because the life of the pig has moved out of the view”(4)
10-From Bergers essay Pullen highlights that people are loosing the contact with animals that leads to this disconnect and loss of vulnerability towards them. “The eye contact, always slightly uncanny,had brought the vivid daily reminder that animals were both crucially like and unlike us,in their eyes we glimpse something unmistakably familiar pain fear and courage.” (4)