Letter to freshman

Welcome to BMCC, here’s some advice to get through college at bmcc. You need to be early to class or at least be on time, being in class is very important. You need to finish and complete all your work on time, It can get very overwhelming and frustrating to finish all that work at once but just take your time and ask for help always. There’s people in new main building of bmcc who’s willing to give you their time to help. Stay in contact with your prof, if absent email them. If absent make sure to complete work as well. Stay involved with the programs at bmcc, be active with what they have going on. It helps you stay on track. Stay connected with your classmates and prof, it will help a lot more than you know. If you feel like you’re slacking and failing, email your teacher for help. If you take my advice, it will help you accomplish a lot and you will be very successful at bmcc

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