1. How does the author feel about her writing abilities?
The author started doubting on her writing skill after failing to the ninth-grade proficiency test. Shee used to think she is quite good at writing; English was one of her strengths. She used to enjoy writing. But after failing for the second time, she stopped taking English seriously.
2. How does the author feel about standardized tests?
The author had the confidence to pass the standardized test. Although the standardized test was challenging because it covers reading, writing, math and citizenship. But when she heard that she passed every part- except writing, she was surprised and disappointed with the result. She tried a second time and failed again. After that she changed her studying attitude in writing. In the text Nichols said “I continued to excel in class and passed the test on the third try. But I never again felt the same love of reading and writing.” Her attitudes from hard working and passion to not being serious in writing.
3. Retell the author’s journey as a writer.
Shannon Nichols, who lives in Ohio. When she was in eighth grade She was required to take a proficiency test. This test will determine whether she may receive a high school diploma. The test covers reading, writing, math and citizenship. It took her a long period of time to prepare for the standardized proficiency test and she thought writing was her strength and she was very good at it. But she failed for the writing part. It was disappointed about her result
. As she passed her honors English class with an A; she surely did well on the writing part. After she picked herself up, she tried to take the test again, but she failed again. It made her start to doubt her writing ability. And she couldn’t figure out what she was doing wrong in her writing in the proficiency test. After that, she changed her attitude about writing and reading. She did take English seriously like before and she did feel the same love of writing and reading.
4. If you were Mrs. Brown, the author’s English teacher, what would you say when the author asked: “How can I get A’ in all my English classes but fail the writing part of the proficiency test twice?”
If I were Mrs. Brown, I would say “Don't judge yourself by a test, you know your potential. Keep working on your writing. If you need any kind of help to the desire score, I will be always with you."
5. Has there been a time in your life when you doubted your abilities as a writer or in general? Explain
When I was in seventh grade, I was very bad at History. I tried so hard but still I felt I cannot pass the exam. Then I started doubting myself. But fortunately, I passed the exam and after that I started feeling confident.
6. How do you feel about your writing ability?
To be honest, I feel my writing is not that good. I need to work on my writing. And I am trying my best to improve my writing skill.
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