The author of “proficiency” by Shannon Nicholls feels like her writing has been great and loves her writing before the standardized test.The test really ruined her love for it. In the literacy narrative it states “I loved writing just as much as I loved math. It was one of my strengths.” This shows that she loved math as much as writing but she used “loved” which is past tense.The author feels like the standardized test is something that she wants to pass with all the points even if she got a A on the test. If I was Mrs brown I would probably tell her that she set to much of a high standard, which is called perfection. Compared to my writing abilities I feel like I wish di was as good as her. My writing has been terrible since I was young. I never did well in writing long stories or essays but I always managed to pass.The one time I doubted my writing was my Senior thesis which is a writing we had to do our senior year of high school in order to graduate. I questioned myself if my writing was good enough to even write the essay about globalization.So I hope to improve my writing in this class my a lot and feel proud and confident on it-Jose Luis Sanchez
4 thoughts on “Conversation 1 Jose Sanchez”
I agree that the author truly loved her writing and that the test ruined it forever for her. I do wonder if she really loved writing though. She gave so quickly after only missing a few points on a test. Maybe she only liked it because she felt she was good at it and never failed.
You do have a point though .Sometimes we like things only because we’re good at it and when it gets harder , we quit .
This is awesome but I think Miss Brown shouldn’t tell her that .In that moment she could say something about how the test has like a rigid structure as compared to normal classes and that may be why .She should also encourage her to practice past proficiency questions to familiarize herself with it .Telling her she set the bar too high will be a disappointing feedback to give her since she has had “perfect grades ” all her life .And plus , I’m positive you’ll do great in this class☺️
hi there Jose, I completely agree with what you are saying about the author, I think she felt alit bite over pressured because she was making the test a bigger deal than it really was and she should have just not think about it as much as she did! In regards of what you said about your writing I think we all need more practice because I myself cannot write as good as I wish could! and I think we will get better at writing in this class!! good luck.