Module Objectives
In this module, you will:
- Introduce yourself to other people in our learning community
- Reflect on your experience with technology
- Analyze on your values with computational thinking and digital literacies
Activity #1: Introduce Yourself
Welcome to EDU 210/211! This is a space to get to know each other. In the FlipGrid video introduce yourself by sharing:
- Your preferred name and pronouns
- Where you are from
- What school you work & your role at the school
- Why you are taking this course or what you hope to learn
- Personal and/or professional details about yourself that you would like to share
- Pose a question that you would like others to answer.
- Watch the videos before you, so you can answer each of the questions that your colleagues have posed!
Use this link to go to FlipGrid your user name is your first name as it appears on CUNY First.
If you are having trouble logging onto FlipGrid, find your name on this list and use the QR code to log onto Flip Grid
Activity #2: Values in Computing Education & Digital Literacies
Values have an important role in computer education and computational thinking.
Review the Padlet with examples of what people are computing, digital tools, and literacies.
Review Santo et al., (2019) to explore values in computational thinking and computing education.
CS-for-What-Diverse-Visions-of-Computer-Science-Education-in-Pra6Review the Liberatory Design Mindsets (p. 3-15).
LiberatoryDesignDeck_June_2021-2Optional: Review the CITE Framework which explains the foundation for our work
Identifying your Values
Use the list below to identify your values for computing, computational thinking, and digital literacies.
Values-Activity-StatementsShare the values you selected on this Google Form
Activity #3: Introductions Digital Story
INTRODUCTION-STORYOn the Google Doc, write your name. Below your name post a link to your Introductions Digital Story.