On Thursday, during our regular class time, we are going to have a 2-part Zoom Class. The first part is this Introduction to the Federal Reserve System with Graham Long, Director of Economic Education at the New York Fed from 2-2:45.
Then from 2:45-3:15, we will meet in our regular zoom classroom to go over Weekly Review 9.
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Topic: Introduction to the Federal Reserve System
This 45-minute presentation details the structure of the Federal Reserve as a decentralized central bank, and its policy responsibilities. Topics covered include:
- What is the Federal Reserve System?
- What is the structure of the Federal Reserve System?
- What is the Federal Reserve’s role in the economy?
Speaker: Graham Long, Associate Director of Economic Education at the New York Fed
Time: Thursday, April 22, 2:00 – 2:45 pm
Zoom link: https://bmcc-cuny.zoom.us/j/99450776043?pwd=U0pYcys2TkI5RlcwaVhzakpPb1Yydz09
Meeting ID: 994 5077 6043
Passcode: 121
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