Before Class on Tuesday, November 30th
OpenStax (2021) – 11.1 & 11.2
OpenStax 11.3 & 11.4
Marginal University (2021)
In Class
Week15-ASAD Slides
Before Class on Friday, December 3rd
Have completed or attempted all of Weekly Review 11
Material Links
OpenStax. (2021). “Macroeconomic Perspectives on Demand and Supply.” Principles of Macroeconomics (second edition).
OpenStax. (2021). “Building a Model of Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply.” Principles of Macroeconomics (second edition).
Marginal University.
In this series, Aggregate Demand might be the most helpful. Long Run Aggregate Supply and Short Run Aggregate Supply present an alternative to the Aggregate Supply curve we are using, representing the so-called “neoclassical synthesis”