Tag Archives: week 13

Question Building (Part 2 of 2)

This assignment, worth 10% of your final grade, will be completed in class on Friday, November 19th.

No preparation is necessary to complete this assignment.

Students will work together to write a question for the final exam, including its answer. This assignment includes an individual and a group component.

  1. Individually, students will need to provide Al with a piece of information they have learned. To receive full credit for this portion of the Question Building, student responses will need to be:
    • relevant to the class (information came from class readings or discussions)
    • a piece of information (not just a topic)
  2. As a group, students will need to write two questions for the final exam with the correct answer. Questions can be true/false, multiple choice, fill in the blank, or short answer.

Additional instructions for completing this assignment will be given in class.

Week 13 – Government Budget

Before class on Tuesday, 11/16
Watch (13:47): Kelton (2021)
Read: Lu (2020)
Read: Lumen Learning: “Taxation

In class on Friday, 11/19
Question Building 2 In Class

Material Links
Kelton, Stephanie. (2021). “The big myth of government deficits.” TEDMonterey. https://www.ted.com/talks/stephanie_kelton_the_big_myth_of_government_deficits
Lu, Marcus. (2020, October 30). “Charting America’s Debt: $27 Trillion and Counting.” Visual Capitalist. https://www.visualcapitalist.com/americas-debt-27-trillion-and-counting/
Lumen Learning: from Module 11: “Taxation” https://courses.lumenlearning.com/wm-macroeconomics/chapter/reading-taxation/