Author Archives: Al Eisenbarth

Week 5 – Economic Well-being

Before Class on Tuesday, 09/21
Read: Lumen Learning “What is Gross Domestic Product?” and “Calculating GDP”
Watch (17:42): Pheko (2020)
In Class
Slides: Economic Well-being

Before Class on Friday, 09/24
Have tried all of Weekly Review 3

Material Links
Lumen Learning. “What is Gross Domestic Product?” & “Calculating GDP”
Pheko, Lebohang. (2020). “Feminist economics is everything. The revolution is now!” TEDxLytteltonWomen. 4 February.

Pheko (2020)

Optional: Fed Reserve of Dallas – Deflating Nominal Values to Real Values

Week 4 – Money & Inflation

Before class Tuesday, 09/14
Read: CORE Section 10.1
Read: Irungu (2020)
Watch (6:51): Schamus (2014)

Before class Friday, 09/17
have tried all of Weekly Review 2

Material Links
CORE project. (2021). “Banks, Money, and the Credit Market: Money and Wealth.” The Economy.
Irungu, Irene. (2020). “The Drivers of Inflation During the COVID-18 Pandemic.” The Elephant. 9 October.
Schamus, James (Director). (2014). That Film About Money [Film]. wetheeconomy.

Khan Academy (Optional)

This material is optional if you would like some extra practice on math concepts we will go over in class.

Khan Academy is a free resource although you may be required to create an account.

To see the classes I suggest, please visit the assignments I have selected here:


visit and enter your class code AMKGDJ32.

There is no need to complete everything (or anything). This is just a collection of relevant assignments if you would like to review outside of class. Please know BMCC also offers tutors if you feel you need additional or different help.

Question Building Part 1 (of 2)

Our first Question Building (QB) assessment in class on Friday, September 10th.

You do not need to prepare for this before class.

Students respond to the following prompts:
A) What is something you have learned in our class?
B) What is something you would like to learn in our class?

In order to get full credit (10 of 10 possible points), answers needed to meet the following criteria:

Responses to part A:
– came from something we had either talked about in class or encountered in class materials (readings, videos, etc.)
– were a piece of information (not just a topic)

Responses to part B:
– were related to what we have done in class so far
– were stated as a question

An example of a 10/10 response is:
A) I learned that a positive statement is a statement about the way the world is whereas a normative statement is about how someone wants the world to be.
B) I want to know: What is the relationship between GDP growth and job growth?

Students will have the opportunity to workshop their responses with other students and with Al. Students who did not complete the assignment in class should contact Al over email to schedule a time to complete the assignment (

There is nothing to turn in outside of class.