
Hello All! I am looking forward to working with you this semester. You may call me Al (that’s spelled ay-el, not ay-eye). My pronouns are they/them. I have been teaching at BMCC since Spring 2019 and before that, I’ve taught at NYU and The New School since 2015. I’m really grateful to be working here with the committed faculty and students I have met. I believe that anyone can learn economics because everybody engages with their local economy as part of daily living!

Please respond in a comment below to introduce yourself. To do so click “Leave a Comment” up top. Please note, everything posted to this website is viewable to the entire BMCC OpenLab community and potentially searchable by the public. If you prefer, you’re welcome to email me instead but please do respond. Please include responses to any or all of the following:

  • Your Name (as registered)
  • Your Nickname (how you want to be addressed in class)
  • Pronoun (how you want to be addressed in addition to your name, usually “he,” “she,” “they,” or “name only (no pronoun)” but there are many other options)
  • Why you are taking this class
  • Something that helps you learn
  • Something you enjoy

For instance: My name is Alexandria Eisenbarth, I go by Al. You can also call me “professor” or “Mx. Eisenbarth” if you want, but I do NOT like to be called “Mr.” or “Mrs.” or “Ms.” or “miss.” My pronouns are they/them. I teach this class because a money-paying job is required to access the necessaries of living in our economy in the absence of personal wealth and because I really love helping people access this language of power in ways that are relevant to their own life. I learn best through experiences and prefer a visual/auditory combo if learning-by-doing isn’t available. It is difficult for me to learn when my experiences and memories are not given credibility. I like to crochet, play music, garden, bike, and embark upon personal spiritual growth.

6 thoughts on “Introductions

  1. Pingback: Week 1 – What is Macroeconomics & Course Navigation | ECO 201 | Macroeconomics | Al Eisenbarth | Section 1301 | Fall 2021

  2. Alex Angamarca

    Hello my name is Alex Angamarca. You can just call me Alex because in all honesty I don’t really know much about pronouns, but I’m always open to learn something new and get along with everyone. I take this class to have a better understanding of the modern economic system. I’m really good at learning with visuals as I need to both listen and see what is being taught. So basically what I have been told through out the years is that I have a photographic memory. I enjoy riding my bike and watching different kinds of videos on YouTube to entertain myself whenever I’m bored.

  3. Ananda Jones

    Hi my name is Ananda Jones i don’t have a nickname but my pronouns are they and them i would like to get a degree so i can get a career. On my free time i like to write music and also dance .I’m very good at making people laugh and being helpful to others . I’m a very shy person and that makes me very anti-social . Aside from a successful career because of the degree i earn i dream to be entertain people with music and sing in concerts .

  4. Micheal Thomas

    Hello my name is Micheal Thomas, I’d prefer if you called me by my first name. My pronouns are he/him, and I am taking this class because it along the path of me obtaining my associates degree in business administration. One thing that helps me learn is a nice and quiet environment, but I can also learn under some distracting conditions. One thing I enjoy doing is watching anime, its been a part of me my whole life.

  5. Andrea Diaz

    My name is Andrea Diaz, I go by Andrea. My pronouns are she/her. I am taking this class because is a requirement for my major. Something that helps me learning is listening, I am better learning by listening than by looking at pictures or reading. I love doing sports, dancing, drawing and singing.

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