Author Archives: Al Eisenbarth

Question Building (Part 2 of 2)

This assignment, worth 10% of your final grade, will be completed in class on Thursday, May 6th.

Students will work together to write a question for the final exam, including its answer. This assignment includes an individual and a group component.

  1. Individually, students will need to provide Al with a piece of information they have learned. To receive full credit for this portion of the Question Building, student responses will need to be:
    • relevant to the class (information came from class readings or discussions)
    • a piece of information (not just a topic)
  2. As a group, students will need to write two questions for the final exam with the correct answer. Questions can be true/false, multiple choice, fill in the blank, or short answer.

Additional instructions for completing this assignment will be given in class.

Optional: Thursday, April 22, Info Session with the NY Fed

Courtesy of Professor Eugene Skorodinsky, we have an opportunity to sit in on Introduction to the Federal Reserve System with Graham Long, Director of Economic Education at the New York Fed from 2-2:45.

To make sure I know you were there, please fill out this form. This event is not required but if you are concerned about your participation and have the time, please join us.

Topic: Introduction to the Federal Reserve System
This 45-minute presentation details the structure of the Federal Reserve as a decentralized central bank, and its policy responsibilities. Topics covered include:

  • What is the Federal Reserve System?
  • What is the structure of the Federal Reserve System?
  • What is the Federal Reserve’s role in the economy?

Speaker: Graham Long, Associate Director of Economic Education at the New York Fed
Time: Thursday, April 22, 2:00 – 2:45 pm
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 994 5077 6043
Passcode: 121

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