Home » Infant Social-Emotional Development 

Infant Social-Emotional Development 

Module Objectives

In this module you will:

    1. Explore the social-emotional development of infants
    2. Identify your temperament type and how it impacted you
    3. Analyze how infant teachers can support infant social-emotional development
    4. Identify and contact a family for your Infant-Family Case Study Project

Activity #1: Module Handout

Complete this handout as you:

      • Watch Flexible, fearful, feisty
      • Watch Infants: Social-Emotional Development
      • Read Reschke (2021)
      • Read Darling- Kuria & Bohlander (2014) OR Elliott & Gonzalez-Mena (2011)

Flexible Fearful Feisty


Video: Infants: Social-Emotional Development (2010)  The video is found on the BMCC’s library Kanopy video database; follow these directions or watch this video to access the video.


Link to Reschke (2021)

Reschke (2021)



Link to Darling-Kuria & Bohlander (2014)

Darling-Kurling & Bohlander (2014)



Link to Elliott & Gonzalez-Mena (2011)

Elliott & Gonzalez-Mena (2011)



Optional Reading: Link to Vallotten et al., (2021)

Vallotton et al (2021)



Optional Reading: Link to Wittmer (2012)

Wittmer (2012)


Submit the completed handout on Blackboard, under ‘Assignments’ in Lecture Module Handout: Social-Emotional Development

Activity #2: Initial Contact with the Family of an Infant Report

The first step for your Infant/ Family Case Study is to find a family to work with. You should carefully choose the family. Select a family who:

    1. Has a child who is 2 to 18 months old — was born between August 2022 and December 2023
    2. Is willing to meet with you 2-3 times for an hour each meeting
    3. Enjoys talking to you about their child
    4. Will allow you to visit their home to observe their child
    5. Is not someone you already know well*

After your approach the family to introduce yourself, explain the project, and ask if they are willing to participate, complete the Initial Contact with the Family of an Infant Report

*Choosing a family:

It is okay for you to choose a family you know, but please do not use a relative or close friend for this assignment. We tend to have ideas and opinions about the people we know well. For this project, the goal is to learn about a family and child, and that will be easier to accomplish if you do not work with someone already close to you. If you know a family well who fits the age range and other criteria, please let me and/or your peers know so one of your colleagues can work with that family.


When you contact the family, follow this protocol to help you introduce yourself, explain the project and ask if the family is willing to participate.


Family Contact Protocol Virtual


After you have identified the family for your Infant/ Family Case Study and they have agreed to participate in the project, complete the Initial Contact with the Family of an Infant Report and submit it in Blackboard (in ‘Assignments’ under ‘Initial Contact with the Family of an Infant Report’)

Link to Initial Contact with the Family of an Infant Report

Link to Initial Contact with the Family of an Infant Report (MS Word) — save the document to your device to edit

Initial Contact with Family Form