Home » Relationship-Based Practices

Relationship-Based Practices

Module Objectives:

In this module you will:

  • Examine relationship-based practices when working with infants and families
  • Explore the benefits of using relationship-based practices when working with infants
  • Brainstorm how infant teachers can use and implement relationship-based practices
  • Interview an elder member of your family/cultural community

Activity #1: Module Handout

Complete this handout as you:

    • read Cheshire (2007)
    • read Christie (2018)
    • watch Quality Infant-Toddler Care: Investing in Relationships
    • watch Primary Caregiving (2019)


Link to Cheshire (2007)

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Link to Christie (2018)

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Watch Quality Infant-Toddler Care: Investing in Relationships  The video is located in BMCC’s Library Academic Video Online: Premier database, follow these instructions or this video to access the video.


Watch Primary Caregiving (2017)


Optional Reading: Link to Responsive Caregiving (2016)

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Submit the completed handout on Blackboard, under ‘Assignments’ in Lecture Module Handout: Relationship-Based Practice

Activity #2: Interview Elder Family/ Cultural Community Member

In preparation for your Reflections Paper:

  • identify an elder member of your family/ cultural community who has experience raising with babies — ideally they were around you when you were a baby or involved in raising you;
  • Is willing, interested to share their experience raising babies in your family/ cultural community;
  • Can be interviewed for about 30 minutes.

After your identify an elder, contact the person, explain the project, ask if they agree to be interviewed, and schedule a time to meet.

Use the following questions for the interview, take notes on the responses:

  1. Who took care of babies when their parents worked? Why?
  2. How did you feed a baby?
    1. How did you know it was time for them to eat?
    2. How did you prepare the baby to eat?
    3. Where did the baby eat?
    4. What food did you give them?
    5. How did you know they were finished?
  3. How did you put a baby to nap?
    1. How did you know it was time for them to nap?
    2. How did you prepare the baby to nap?
    3. Where did the baby nap?
    4. How did you know they were finished napping?
  4. How do you believe babies learn? How did you support their learning?
  5. What are some activities you did with the baby?
  6. What other questions would you like to know?

The answers to these questions will be used for your Reflections Paper.