Home » Best Practices for Working with Families
Category Archives: Best Practices for Working with Families
Foundations for Working with Families
Module Objectives
In this module you will:
- Explore the tenets of family-centered programming
- Recognize the impact of culture on families & infants
- Introduce yourself to your colleagues
- Identify best practices for working with families who have infants
Activity #1: Module Handout
Complete this handout as you read and watch the videos on the following websites:
- Diener (2022)
- VLS (2013)
Link to Diener 2022 reading (https://nobaproject.com/modules/the-developing-parent)
Link to Families: An Introduction (VLS, 2013). https://www.virtuallabschool.org/infant-toddler/family-engagement/lesson-1
Optional Readings:
- Fox (2012)
- Gonzalez (2017)
- Jor’dan & Lee (2014)
- Luckenbill & Zide (2017)
- Parnell et al. (2018)
- Paula & da-Silva (2014)
- Ray et al., (2009)
Optional Video: Our Family: A Film About Family Diversity (2016)
Submit the completed Module Handout on Blackboard, under Assignments in Seminar Module Handout: Foundations for Working with Families
Activity #2: Introduce Yourself
Click on Members in the Navigation bar. Click on ‘this form” then introduce yourself and upload a picture.
Activity #3: Evidence-Based Practices for Working with Families Who Have Infants
What are the evidence-based practices for working with families who have infants from the readings and video in this module? Identify your source(s) — reading or video as you develop the list. Post your list in comments below.
Cultural Aspects to Working with Families
Module Objectives
In this module you will:
- Explore the impact of culture on caregiving practices
- Analyze cultural eating and sleeping situations
- Identify the difference between following a child’s natural rhythms & establishing a set schedule
- Develop strategies to work with families & colleagues from different cultural backgrounds & communities
Activity #1: Module Handout
Complete this handout as you:
- Read Gonzalez-Mena & Bhavnagri (2000)
- Watch TAPS NQS PLP – Cultural Competency Part 1 (2012)
- Read Natural Rhythms vs Set Schedules Handout
Link to Gonzalez-Mena & Bhavnagri (2000)
GonzalezMena & Bhavnagri (2000)
Video TAPS NQS PLP- Cultural Competency Part 1 (2012)
Link to Natural Rhythms & Set Schedules
Natural Rhythms Vs Set Schedule
Optional Reading: Developmental Influences: Culture (Eliason, 2017)
Submit completed Module Handout on Blackboard, under ‘Assignments’ in Seminar Module Handout: Culture Aspects to Working with Families
Activity #2: Evidence-Based Practices for Working with Families who have Infants
What are the evidence-based practices for working with families who have infants from the readings and video in this module? Identify your source (readings or video) as you develop the list. Your reading may have described families of older children; how can you apply the information to families who have infants? Post your list in the comments below.
Partnering with Families
Module Objectives
In this module you will:
- Explore creating partnerships with families
- Evaluate the role social power has when working with families of infants
- Develop strategies to create partnerships with families
Activity #1: Module Handout
Complete this handout as you:
- Read Building Partnerships Between Families and Early Childhood Staff (2012)
- Watch TAPS Partnerships with Families: Part 5 (2012)
Link to Building Partnerships Between Families and Early Childhood Staff (2012)
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Watch the video TAPS Partnerships with Families: Part 5 (2012)
Video Building Positive Relationships with Families
Optional Reading: Link to Building Partnerships with Families (2016)
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Optional Reading: Link to A Guide to Creating Partnerships with Families, 2nd Ed (2010)
pitcguidepartner2010 copy
Optional Reading: Link to Baker & Manfredi/ Pettit (2004)
Baker_Manfedi Petitt (2004) Chapter 1
Submit your completed Module Handout on ECE 209-Seminar Blackboard, under Assignments in Module Handout: Partnering with Families
Activity #2: Evidence-Based Practices for Working with Families who have Infants
What are the evidence-based practices for working with families who have infants from the reading in this module? Identify your source (reading or video) as you develop the list. Your reading and video may have described families of older children; how can you apply the information to families who have infants? Post your list in the comments below.
Relationships with Families
Module Objectives
In this module you will:
- Explore the importance of relationships between infant teachers and families
- Brainstorm how to handle situations using a family-based model of programming
- Identify practices that support relationships with families
Activity #1: Module Handout
Complete this handout as you:
- Read Baker & Mandredi/Pettit (2004)
- Watch Building Positive Relationships with Families
Link to Baker & Manfredi/ Pettit (2004)
Baker_Manfedi Petitt (2004) Chapter 1
Video Building Positive Relationships with Families
Submit your completed Module Handout on ECE 209-Seminar Blackboard, under Assignments in Module Handout: Relationships with Families
Activity #2: Best Practices for Working with Families Who Have Infants
What are the best practices for working with families who have infants from the reading and video in this module? Identify the source (reading or video) as you develop the list. Post your list in the comments below.
Getting to Know Families & Babies
Module Objectives:
In this module you will:
- Examine methods to get to know families
- Explore practices that help children to transition into a program
- Analyze the importance of of phase-in and home visits for infants, families, and teachers
Assignment #1: Module Handout
Complete this handout as you:
- Read Goldsmith & Theilhiemer
- Read Block (2014)
- Watch TAPS Partnerships with Families: Part 2
Link to Goldsmith & Theilhiemer (2015)
Goldsmith & Theilheimer (2015)
Link to Block (2014)
Block (2014)
Video TAPS Partnerships with Families: Part 2
Submit the completed Module Handout on ECE 209-Seminar Blackboard, under ‘Assignments’ for ‘Module Handout: Getting to Know Families’)
Optional Reading: Minish & McCorkle (2020)
Minish & McCorkle (2020)Activity #2: Evidence-Based Practices for Working with Families who have Infants
What are the evidence-based practices for working with families who have infants from the readings and video in this module? Identify your source (reading or video) as you develop the list. Your reading may have described families of older children; how can you apply the information to families who have infants? Post the list in the comments below.
Communicating with Families
Module Objectives
In this module, you will:
- Explore how to keep in touch with families
- Brainstorm ways to communicate with families who have infants that foster engagement and build partnership
- Analyze negotiating with families
Assignment #1: Module Handout
Complete this handout as you:
- Read Keyser (2017)
- Watch TAPS: Partnership with Families Part 4 (2012)
Link to Keyser (2017)
Keyser (2017)
Video TAPS: Partnership with Families Part 4 (2012)
Submit the completed Module Handout on ECE 209-Seminar Blackboard, under ‘Assignments’ in ‘Module Handout: Communicating with Families’
Activity #3: Evidence-Based Practices for Working with Families who have Infants
What are the evidence-based practices for working with families who have infants from the reading and video in this module? Identify your source (reading or video) as you develop the list. Your reading may have described families of older children; how can you apply the information to families who have infants? Post your list in the comments below.
Conflicts & Difficult Conversations
Module objectives
In this module you will:
- Explore the causes of many differences, tensions & conflicts between infant teachers & families
- Identify strategies to use when faced with differences, tensions, and conflicts with families
- Reflect on the best practices to work with families who have infants
Activity #1: Module Handout
Complete this handout as you:
- Read Gillespie (2016)
- Read How to Communicate with Families (Zero to Three, 2022)
- Watch TAPS: Partnerships with Families Part 3 (2012)
- Watch Effective Communication with Families (2014)
Link to Gillespie (2006)
Link to How to Communicate with Families (Zero to Three, 2022)
How to Communicate with Parents Zeto to Three
Video TAPS: Partnerships with Families Part 3 (2012)
Video: Effective Communication with Families (2014)
Optional Reading: Link to VLS (2013) Having Difficult Conversations with Families
VLS (2012) Having Difficult Conversations with Families
Submit the completed Module Handout on ECE 209-Seminar Blackboard, under ‘Assignments’ in ‘Module Handouts: Conflicts & Difficult Conversations’
Activity #2: Evidence Based Practices for Working with Families who have Infants
What are the evidence based practices for working with families who have infants from the reading in this module? Identify your source (reading or video) as you develop the list. Your reading may have described families of older children; how can you apply the information to families who have infants? Post your list in the comments below.
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