Module Objectives
In this module you will:
- Explore culture in infant classrooms
- Examine how practices create the culture in infant classrooms
- Analyze the impact of infant classroom culture on babies & families
- Reflect on your experience in ECE 209
Activity #1: Week 5 ECE 209 Survey
We are 1/3 of the way through the semester. Please complete this 6-question anonymous survey to share your feedback about ECE 209:
Activity #2: Module Handout
Complete this handout as you:
- Read Test (2015)
- Im, Parlakian & Sanchez (2007)
- Watch Culture, Diversity & Equity
Link to Test (2015)
Test (2015)
Link to Im, Parlakian & Sanchez (2007)
Im, Parlakian & Sanchez (2007)
Video Culture, Diversity & Equity
Optional Reading: Developmental Influences: Culture (Eliason, 2017)
Submit your completed Module Handout on Blackboard, under ‘Assignments’ in ‘Seminar Module Handout: Culture in Infant Classrooms’
Activity #2: Evidence-Based Practices for Working with Families who have Infants
What are the evidence-based practices for working with families who have infants from the reading and video in this module? Identify your source (reading or video) as you develop the list. Your reading may have described families of older children; how can you apply the information to families who have infants? Post your list in the comments below.
incorporating culture into the classroom and respecting different cultures
– infant feels connected
– infant doesn’t feel left out because of their different cultures
– the learn and grow in the comfort of care while practicing their culture
– they feel included
Kaylah — Thanks for your comment in this module. Incorporating a baby’s culture into the classroom benefits the infant & family in many ways. I wonder, what practices should an infant teacher engage in to embed an infant’s culture into the classroom? I wonder, what other practices did you identify from this module? What sources were the practices from?
-learning a family’s language
-Asking families about their culture, traditions, values
-Pictures that represent children
all these make a family, and children feel welcomed into classroom.
Lathisha — Thanks for your comment in this module. You identified several important practices when working with families of infants: I wonder, what are other practices from this module? I wonder, what source did you identify the module from?
Some evidence based practices include incorporating culture into the classroom and respecting different practices from different families. Learning another language and incorporating different languages into the classroom can get kids excited about learning about different cultures. Putting artifacts in different pictures that represent the children is another way of doing this. Encouraging kids to wear traditional clothing, and eating cultural foods from the family background is another way we can influence and share positive cultural diversity in the classroom.
Cheyenne — Thanks for your comment in this module. You list many practices that support sharing cultural knowledge? I wonder, how can infant teachers help babies & families to grow in their cultural identity & heritage? I wonder, what does it look like for infant teachers to incorporate culture into infant classrooms & respect family’s practices (Byfield, 2024)? I wonder, can you create a list of the other practices for working with families were discussed in the module and their source?
In early childhood classes, evidence based practice could entail, researched effective learning strategies to support infants in their learning , for teachers it would be their best practices for supporting, infants in their social and emotional journal.
Adding culture to the classroom means respecting and including different family customs. This includes learning new languages, showing cultural items and pictures, encouraging traditional clothes and food, and talking with families about their culture. These things help babies feel like they belong, are part of the group, and are comfortable while learning about their own culture in school.
Some evidence based practices when working with families would be, making sure the infant feels included, supporting them in being proud of their culture rather than making them feel like there is something wrong with their families traditions. Making sure the classroom environment is filled with photos, book, and language within their culture. Having Parents participate in the program and make them feel welcomed. Also making sure that if there is a language barrier to help get an interpreter. Most of these evidence based practices I got them from the video of “Culture, Diversity & Equity”
Culture and diversity in the classroom
1.Teachers should become more knowledgeable and transparent of different cultures. Many children of color, see themselves as different, children should not be feeling different from others, or their parents.
2. Lots of communication, how to hold the child for example
3.having artifacts for children, having recorded music for children from their native country, that might be meaningful, the way you soothe a child, many helpful tips for teachers to consider.
“Culture, Diversity and Equity Video”