Module Objectives
In this module you will:
- Explore creating partnerships with families
- Evaluate the role social power has when working with families of infants
- Develop strategies to create partnerships with families
Activity #1: Module Handout
Complete this handout as you:
- Read Building Partnerships Between Families and Early Childhood Staff (2012)
- Watch TAPS Partnerships with Families: Part 5 (2012)
Link to Building Partnerships Between Families and Early Childhood Staff (2012)
kmec_c4_201205_03_building-partnerships copy
Watch the video TAPS Partnerships with Families: Part 5 (2012)
Video Building Positive Relationships with Families
Optional Reading: Link to Building Partnerships with Families (2016)
QualityArea6BuildingPartnershipsWithFamilies copy
Optional Reading: Link to A Guide to Creating Partnerships with Families, 2nd Ed (2010)
pitcguidepartner2010 copy
Optional Reading: Link to Baker & Manfredi/ Pettit (2004)
Baker_Manfedi Petitt (2004) Chapter 1
Submit your completed Module Handout on ECE 209-Seminar Blackboard, under Assignments in Module Handout: Partnering with Families
Activity #2: Evidence-Based Practices for Working with Families who have Infants
What are the evidence-based practices for working with families who have infants from the reading in this module? Identify your source (reading or video) as you develop the list. Your reading and video may have described families of older children; how can you apply the information to families who have infants? Post your list in the comments below.
Some of the best practices for working with families who have small children could be : Establishment routines: feeding times, bathing times, nap times can promote stability, in a safe nurturing environment as well as educating parents about child development and their techniques, they can gain more confidence in their abilities. In Theorist Vygotsky views on this matter is that, is that children learn through interactions with one another. He describes a process whereby children are guided by their parents to participate in their culture, and through this learning process , children begin to think, talk,and process the world in ways that their culture does.(Vygotsky,1978).
Christine — Thanks for your comment in this module. It is important for infant teachers to hear from families what the routines are that the family practices (Alvarez, 2024). I wonder, what other methods and practices should infant teachers practice in order to develop partnerships with families? Why? I wonder, can you create a list of the other practices for partnering with families that were discussed in the module and identify the source?
In the video TAPS NQS PLP – Partnership with families some evidence base practices for working with families who have a infants include promoting responsive caregiving, and supporting postive parent interactions.
Kylie — Thanks for your comment in this module. It is important for infant teachers to engage in responsive caregiving with families & babies and to support positive family-infant interactions (Howell, 2024). I wonder, how specifically would infant teachers do this? You list the source for the practices you identified. I wonder, what other methods and practices that infant teachers should practice in order to develop partnerships with families were discussed in the module? I wonder, can you create a list of the other practices for partnering with families and their the source?
listen to one another.
check in with each other.
make sure to trust each other’s point of view and acknowledge them
building partnership between families and early childhood staff
Tisha — Thanks for your comment in this module. It is important for infant teachers to listen to families, check-in with families, & to trust & acknowledge families point of view (Reece, 2024). I wonder, how specifically would infant teachers do this? You list the source for the practices you identified. I wonder, what were other methods and practices that infant teachers should practice to develop partnerships with families were discussed in the module? I wonder, can you create a list of the other practices for partnering with families and their the source?
reading : Building Partnerships Between Families and Early Childhood Staff (2012)
– understand families
– get to know children
– be honest and respectful of other families and their beliefs
– share informational and decision making
this assists in the creation of a partnership where you will better know the child and their family . this will help you to understand how to better meet the needs of the child and also make sure the family is satisfied . This will help families to feel included in the development of their child . This also helps other families to connect with one another.
Kaylah — Thanks for your comment in this module. It is important for infant teachers to understand families, get to know children, be honest & respectful of families & their beliefs, and share info & decision making (Phillip, 2024). I wonder, how specifically would infant teachers do this? You list the source for the practices you identified. I wonder, what were other methods and practices that infant teachers should practice to develop partnerships with families were discussed in the module? I wonder, can you create a list of the other practices for partnering with families and their the source?
Some evidence based practices for working with families include creating partnerships with families. Including family centered practices that involve families to be active in their children’s education and using communication to understand one another. Having empathy and respect for diversity is another way we can create partnerships between families.
Building Partnerships Between Families and Early Childhood Staff (2012),
TAPS Partnerships with Families: Part 5 (2012) video
-Creating consistent routines for stability.
-Teaching parents about child development.
-Helping children learn through interactions with others.
-Supporting positive parent interactions.
-Building partnerships with families based on understanding and respect.
Building Partnerships Between Families and Early Childhood Staff (2012)
Some evidence based practices for working with families who have children can be
-Establishing a routine that works well with children and parents.
-Building strong relationships with families or maintaining the relationships they already had build.
-Allowing children to benefit from the different partnerships as well as both teachers and families.
-Make sure to include the amount of diversity in the classroom.
-Always being open and honest about different situations and conversations.
-open communication with families
-creating routines for the family and child
– involving families in the program like creating a philosophy together
-mutual respect
-collaboration and shared decision-making
– promotes shared responsibility for the child’s learning and development
source: building partnership between families and early childhood staff (2012), TAP: partnership with families #5.
Establishing routines
Listening and talking to each other,
Trusting peoples point of view
All these help in building partnerships between families and early childhood staff.
Building Partnerships between Families and Early Childhood Staff.(2012)