Home » Best Practices for Working with Families » Conflicts & Difficult Conversations

Conflicts & Difficult Conversations

Module objectives

In this module you will:

  • Explore the causes of many differences, tensions & conflicts between infant teachers & families
  • Identify strategies to use when faced with differences, tensions, and conflicts with families
  • Reflect on the best practices to work with families who have infants

Activity #1: Module Handout

Complete this handout as you:

  • Read Gillespie (2016)
  • Read How to Communicate with Families (Zero to Three, 2022)
  • Watch TAPS: Partnerships with Families Part 3 (2012)
  • Watch Effective Communication with Families (2014)

Link to Gillespie (2006)




Link to How to Communicate with Families (Zero to Three, 2022)

How to Communicate with Parents Zeto to Three




Video TAPS: Partnerships with Families Part 3 (2012)


Video: Effective Communication with Families (2014)


Optional Reading: Link to VLS (2013) Having Difficult Conversations with Families

VLS (2012) Having Difficult Conversations with Families




Submit the completed Module Handout on ECE 209-Seminar Blackboard, under ‘Assignments’ in ‘Module Handouts: Conflicts & Difficult Conversations’

Activity #2: Evidence Based Practices for Working with Families who have Infants 

What are the evidence based practices for working with families who have infants from the reading in this module?  Identify your source (reading or video) as you develop the list. Your reading may have described families of older children; how can you apply the information to families who have infants? Post your list in the comments below.


  1. when working with families and communicating you must be
    -active listeners
    -show empathy
    -ask them questions to get to know them better
    -do not only point out the negatives but point out the positives as well
    -let them know when you do not know something because it shows you are willing to learn more on a topic or willing to work with the family to get to a solution
    source: Gillespie (2006)

  2. – Seek external support and resources for the educator and/or families
    – self-reflect
    -be empathetic
    – promote joint problem-solving
    -collaborate on developing a plan to help the child
    -seek feedback from families
    -greet families and create small conversations to help build relationships

    Source: Zero to three (2022) how to communicate with families, and Effective communication with families video (2014)

  3. Some evidence based practices include being an active listener towards families and showing empathy. Asking questions to the families to better know them about their values and beliefs. Blocking out negatives and only pointing out positives as well as self reflecting to send back feedback to families. Creating small conversations and providing resources to discuss development.

    Source: Gillespie (2006),How to Communicate with Families (Zero to Three, 2022),Video TAPS: Partnerships with Families Part 3 (2012),Video: Effective Communication with Families (2014)

  4. Teachers ultimate goal is to try to get positive outcomes from families with challenging children,Teachers working and giving extra support to children who needs it.This enables positives outcome.
    Partnering with families helps caregivers resolve conflicts, focus on finding common ground.

    Taps NQS PLP Part 3(2012)

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