Module Objectives
In this module you will:
- Identify the elements essentials for an infant classroom
- Create an infant classroom
- Reflect on what you have learned this semester in ECE 2o9 by creating a Self-Assessment
Activity #1: Thinking about Infant Environments
Go to FlipGrid ( your log in is your first name as it appears on CUNYFirst) to record your answer or CLICK HERE TO POST YOUR ANSWER to this question:
What should be included in an infant classroom environment? Why?
Activity #2: Creating an Infant Environment
Read Gonzalez-Mena (2013) Isbell & Isbell (2007) and Post, Hohmann & Epstein (2011). Complete this handout as you read
Gonzalez-Mena(2013)Isbell & Isbell (2007)
Post, Hohmann & Epstein (2011)
Watch Lets Talk About Environments! Complete this handout as you watch the video.
Link to video
Review the Infant Environment Checklist
Infant Environment ChecklistUsing paper and pencils, markers, crayons, colored pencils, etc. create an infant classroom environment, Use the readings, videos, and handouts in this activity to ensure you have the the essentials elements for an infant classroom. Label what’s in your space. Take a picture of your infant classroom and email it to me so I can post it on OpenLab!
Here are some sample infant classrooms for ideas:
Share what you like about 1-2 environments created by your colleagues!
Activity #3: Self-Reflection
At the end of the semester you will determine your grade for ECE 209 based on your self-assessment of what you have learned. In preparation for your self-assessment, answer the questions below; you will answer these questions at the end of each module so you have a record of what you have learned over the semester. You can answer the questions here on Open Lab or create a journal on Blackboard (which would be private).
- What did you learn in this module?
- Information/ knowledge
- Skills
- Insights (connections you made or “ah-ha’s” you had about the material)
- How will the material from this module better prepare you to work with infants?
Activity #4: Commentary Paper Final
For this paper, imagine you are an infant teacher. A new family is joining your class — the family is your Infant/ Family Case Study family. You will be the child’s key teacher, so you conducted the home visit to get to know the family and child. Now, it’s time to you share what you learned about the child and family with the other members of your teaching team so they can get to know the family and baby. Write a report (your Commentary Paper) to share what you learned about the family and baby, and how the teaching staff can support the baby and family in your classroom.
The Commentary Paper is a recursive write process that involves the following steps:
- Write your Commentary Paper draft
- Submit your Commentary Paper draft
- Receive feedback on your Commentary draft
- Revise your Commentary Paper draft based on the feedback you receive
- Submit your Commentary Paper Final
- Upload your Commentary Paper Final to your ECE e-Portfolio
Revise your Commentary Paper Draft using the feedback you received, then submit your Commentary Paper Final on Blackboard for ECE 209-Lecture (in ‘Assignments’ under ‘Commentary Paper Final’).
Activity #5: ECE 209 Self-Assessment
To align with the focus on development and life-long learning involved in being an infant teacher, as the ECE 209 ends, now is an opportunity to reflect on your learning and growth in ECE 209. You will create a Self-Assessment in the form of a paper, graphic, audio message, or video recording that documents what you have learned and how you have grown, both personally and professionally, over the semester. Your Self-Assessment helps to determine your final grade for ECE 209. The Self-Assessment should include the following 5 parts:
- The information/ knowledge you gained in ECE 209
- The insights (ah-ha’s or connections) you have made in ECE 209
- The skills you have developed in ECE 209
- How the knowledge, insights and skills you gained will prepare you to work with infants and families, or impact your current work with babies and their families?
- An analysis of your:
- learning and growth
- the grade should you receive for ECE 209 and why
To create your Self-Assessment, you will summarize, analyze, and synthesize the self-reflections your wrote from each module; please do not copy and paste the self-reflections from each module into your Self-Assessment. I suggest following these steps:
- Review your self-reflection posts for each module.
- Reflect on what you said in each self-reflection.
- What stands out to you?
- Do you see any themes or repetitions?
- What feels most important to share?
- Think about what other knowledge, skills and insights you gained that you did not include in your self-reflection posts.
- What themes, repetitions, and /or is most important from the material you captured in your self-reflection posts and answers to questions to 2 and 3 .
- Contemplate how have you grown as a result of ECE 209:
- As an infant teacher
- As a student
- As a person
- In other ways
- From the material you captured in your self-reflection posts & answers to questions to 2, 3 and 4:
- What stand out to you?
- What themes or repetitions do you notice?
- What is most important to you?
- Begin to craft your Self-Assessment message. Decide if your message will be a:
- Written paper
- Graphic
- Audio message
- Video recording
- I suggest using the Chart for Creating Your Self-Assessment to develop your self-assessment
- To submit your Self-Assessment
- If it is a written paper or a graphic, submit it on ECE 209-Lecture Blackboard in Assignments, under ‘Self-Assessment’
- If it is a video recording, you can:
- Email me the video
- Record your video on FlipGrid ( your FlipGrid log in is your 1st name as it appears on CUNY First)
- If it is an audio message, email it to me
Resources to help you create your Self-Assessment:
Sample graphic organizers — BE CREATIVE, you do not have to use these! Also, you may not be able to type into these documents.
Chart for Creating Your Self-Assessment
Self-Assessment Chart S2021Activity #5: Participating in our Learning Community Self-Assessment
Follow these steps to complete the Participating in our Learning Community Self-Assessment:
- Download or save the document to your device.
- For each element (row) on the rubric, indicate which column you would put yourself by changing the text color, circling, or highlighting the text
- Answer the Reflection Questions at the bottom of the rubric
- Save the document again
- Submit the document on Blackboard for ECE 209-L (in ‘Assignments’ under ‘Participating in our Learning Community’)
- If you cannot save the document to your device
- Open a new document on your device
- Copy the Reflection Questions, below the rubric, from the Participating in our Learning Community Self-Assessment
- Review the rubric, for each element (row), identify which column you would put yourself
- Answer the Reflection Questions on the document on your device
- Save the document on your device
- Upload the document to Blackboard for ECE 209-L (in ‘Assignments’ under ‘Participating in our Learning Community’)
Link to Participating in our Learning Community Self-Assessment
Participating in Our Learning Community Self-Assessment