Module 12: Infant Curriculum (4/23-4/29)


Module Objectives

In this module you will:

  1. Explore the elements of infant curriculum
  2. Define curriculum for infant classrooms
  3. Identify policies and practices that support infant curriculum

Activity #1:  Curriculum in Infant Classrooms

Read: Anderson (2018) and McMullen (2018). Complete this handout as you read.

Anderson (2018)


McMullen (2018)

If you want additional details about infant curriculum for your ECE 209-Seminar Paper review the Power Point below

Answer the following question including including specific information from both of the readings in this activity:

  1. How do infants learn?
  2. How do relationships support infant learning & development?
  3. Based on your responses to questions #1, & 2:
    1. What should curriculum in infant classrooms be? Why?
    2. How should infant teachers plan for or develop the curriculum for infant classrooms?
    3. What policies and practices support infant curriculum?
    4. How do infant teachers “teach” babies that Black & Brown bodies are important?


Activity #2: Self-Reflection

At the end of the semester you will determine your grade for ECE 209 based on your self-assessment of what you have learned. In preparation for your self-assessment, answer the questions below; you will answer these questions at the end of each module so you have a record of what you have learned over the semester. You can answer the questions here on Open Lab or create a journal on Blackboard (which would be private).

  • What did you learn in this module?
    • Information/ knowledge
    • Skills
    • Insights (connections you made or “ah-ha’s” you had about the material)
  • How will the material from this module better prepare you to work with infants?