Participation in our Learning Community



You are a valued member of our learning community and I look forward to your contribution. To create an intellectually stimulating and rich learning environment, I am sharing the rubric below as a guideline for participation.

Assessment Rubric (1 point – must meet Learner in all elements):

ENGAGEMENT Student added to activities & discussions by asking questions, sharing reflections, insights, & connections to course material. Student participated in class activities &/or discussions by asking questions Student participated in class activities &/or discussions
MEMBER OF LEARNING COMMUNITY Student worked well with, shared information with colleagues & took a leadership role in our learning community. Student worked well with & shared information with colleagues in our learning community. Student worked well with colleagues in our learning community.


Student created a welcoming, supporting & intellectually challenging learning environment for all members. Student created a welcoming & supportive learning environment for all members. Student created a welcoming learning environment for all members
FOCUS Student was attentive, involved, & on-task during class sessions Student was attentive & involved during class sessions Student was attentive during class sessions
PREPAREDNESS Student had supplies, materials (assigned course readings for class & handout), & had read materials before class Student had supplies & materials (assigned course readings) for class


Student had supplies (paper, pen, etc.) for class



All of the tasks in each activity in each module were completed All of the activities in each module were completed All of the modules were completed
COMMENTS The on-line comments thoughtfully & thoroughly answered the questions posed with unique, well-developed, reflective responses that contained many rich, vivid details. The on-line comments thoughtfully & thoroughly answered the questions posed with unique responses. The on-line comments answered the questions posed.
CONNECTION TO CONTENT Comments & replies contained multiple, explicit, meaningful, specific connections to the content in the module (readings, videos, etc.) Comments & replies contained meaningful, specific connections to the content in the module (readings, videos, etc.) Comments contained connections to the content in the module
REPLIES TO CONTENT Replies connected to the original comment in a meaningful, specific, thoughtful, thorough, manner that add, build, expand, or extend the original comment using the word because (Eg: I agree that helping families feel comfortable is important, because children feel more comfortable in early childhood programs when their families feel comfortable too. Replies connected to the original comment in a meaningful, specific, thoughtful, thorough, manner using the word because (Eg: “I agree that helping families feel comfortable is important, because it helps children.” Replies used the word because (Eg: “I agree because it helps babies feel good too.”
CLARITY All of the responses were clear, organized, coherent & there was evidence of proofreading The responses were clear, coherent, & organized The responses were clear & coherent