In this module you will:
- Reflect upon your family’s involvement and engagement in your education
- Evaluate practices that support engaging with families
- Identify how infant teachers can engage with families for infants and toddlers
In this module you will:
This assignment has 2 parts:
Part 1: To help us get to know each other, go to FlipGrid ( your login is your first name as it appears on CUNY First) and answer the following questions:
Reply to 2 videos!
Part 2: Reflect on and answer the questions below:
Read Halgunseth (2009)
Family Engagement Halgunseth (2009)Watch TAPS Partnerships with Families: Part 1 (2012) (I suggest completing this handout as you watch the video)
Cite the reading and video in your answers to the questions below:
Respond to 2 other comments!