Assignment #1: Overview of Culture
This assignment has 3 parts:
Part 1: Go to FlipGrid ( your user name is your first name as it appears in CUNY First) to answer these questions
Reflect then answer the following questions:
- How did you become aware of your personal identity (nationality, culture, and ethnicity)?
- What early messages did you receive about other groups?
- How did you define family when you were growing up? Has your definition changed?
- What messages did you receive about your family’s socioeconomic status?
- Were girls treated differently from boys in your family? What were your family’s expectations for you?
- How and when were you encouraged to express your ideas and feelings?
- Was it acceptable to be noisy and active in your home, or were children expected to be seen and not heard?
- How was discipline handled?
- Was independence encouraged?
- Why is it important to reflect on these questions if you are planning to become an infant teacher?
Part 2: Read Gonzalez-Mena (2008)
Part 3: Read Cultural Differences Scenarios. Pick 3 scenarios; for each scenario answer the following questions:
Cultural Differences Scenarios
- Which scenario did you choose? Why?
- What is your reaction to the scenariio? Why?
- What impact does the difference in cultural practices have on the child? Why?
- Is there another way to handle the situation?
- How does this connect to the Gonzalez-Mena (2008) reading? Make specific connections, identifying the page number.
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