Tag Archives: Scavenger Hunt

Module 1 Introductions Assignment 1: Course Overview (8/26-8/30)

This assignment has 3 parts.

  1. Read the Syllabus, Course Guide, Papers & Projects Guidelines, and Course Policies
  2. Use Hypothesis (I explain how to use Hypothesis in this video) to write 1 question or make 1 comment on each document (you will have to log onto Hypothesis and create an account)
  3. Answer the questions in the Scavenger Hunt
F 2020 209 syllabus seminar Hybrid 209-S Hybrid Course Guide F20 F20 Assignmnets ECE 209SO Open Lab Open Lab Poilicies 209

After reading the Syllabus, Papers & Projects Guidelines, Course Policies, and Course Guide for ECE 209-S, answer the following questions:

  1. What papers are due for ECE 209-S?
  • When is the paper(s) due?
  • How many points is the paper(s) worth?
  1. How many points do you need to earn to pass ECE 209-Seminar?
  2. How many points can you earn for:
  • Completing assignments and modules?
  • Completing the Babies handout?
  • Completing a Tri-semester survey?
  1. What do you have to do to receive credit for a paper or project?
  2. When is the work due each week for ECE 209-Seminar?
  3. What week will ECE 209-Seminar focus on Keeping Families Informed?
  4. What should you do if you have a technical issue with Open Lab and cannot post or respond to posts by 11:59 PM on Sunday?
  5. What are the ways you can get in touch with me?
  6. What is the focus of ECE 209-Seminar?
  7. How does ECE 209-Seminar connect to ECE 209-Lecture?