Author Archives: Jen Longley

Module 1 Introductions Assignment 1: Course Overview (8/26-8/30)

This assignment has 3 parts.

  1. Read the Syllabus, Course Guide, Papers & Projects Guidelines, and Course Policies
  2. Use Hypothesis (I explain how to use Hypothesis in this video) to write 1 question or make 1 comment on each document (you will have to log onto Hypothesis and create an account)
  3. Answer the questions in the Scavenger Hunt
F 2020 209 syllabus seminar Hybrid 209-S Hybrid Course Guide F20 F20 Assignmnets ECE 209SO Open Lab Open Lab Poilicies 209

After reading the Syllabus, Papers & Projects Guidelines, Course Policies, and Course Guide for ECE 209-S, answer the following questions:

  1. What papers are due for ECE 209-S?
  • When is the paper(s) due?
  • How many points is the paper(s) worth?
  1. How many points do you need to earn to pass ECE 209-Seminar?
  2. How many points can you earn for:
  • Completing assignments and modules?
  • Completing the Babies handout?
  • Completing a Tri-semester survey?
  1. What do you have to do to receive credit for a paper or project?
  2. When is the work due each week for ECE 209-Seminar?
  3. What week will ECE 209-Seminar focus on Keeping Families Informed?
  4. What should you do if you have a technical issue with Open Lab and cannot post or respond to posts by 11:59 PM on Sunday?
  5. What are the ways you can get in touch with me?
  6. What is the focus of ECE 209-Seminar?
  7. How does ECE 209-Seminar connect to ECE 209-Lecture?

Module 8 Cultural Aspects to Working with Families Assignment #2: Feeding & Sleeping Scenarios

Read the Feeding and Sleeping Scenarios and Natural Rhythms vs Set Schedules. Pick 2 feeding & 2 sleeping scenarios then answer the following questions:

Feeding ^0 Eating Sccenarios H


Natural Rhythms Vs Set Schedule

  1. Identify which 2 feeding & 2 sleeping scenarios you picked. Why?
  2. What is your reaction to the scenario?
  3. What does this scenario say about the family’s culture and beliefs?
  4. How can you support the family with this situation? What can you do to support the child?
  5. How would you handle this situation?
  6. Based on the Natural Rhythms vs Set-Schedules handout, does your Infant/ Family Case Study family use the child’s natural rhythms or a set schedule to determine feeding and sleeping times? How do you know? Give evidence to support your response.

Respond to 1-2 other comments!


Module 8: Cultural Aspects to Working with Families Assignment #1: Exploring Cultural Aspects to Working with Families

This assignment has 4 parts

Part 1: Over winter break BMCC wants to offer

  • CPR & First Aid training
  • Dignity for All Students (DASA) workshop
  • Child Abuse Identification Training
  • School Violence Prevention and Intervention Workshop

We need to know if enough people would be interested in participating in the free workshops. Complete this survey to indicate if you are interested in taking any of the free workshops.

Part 2: Go to FlipGrid ( your user name is your first name as it appears in CUNY First) to answer these questions:

For each expectation, explain which do you believe is normal (A or B). Why?

Expectation #1

  1. Babies can learn to sleep alone through the night; when depends on the baby & how the family handles the baby waking at night.
  2. Babies can’t be expected to sleep alone or sleep through the night. Putting a baby in a crib in another room is cruel. l.

Expectation #2

  1. Toilet training occurs during the 3rd year of life, when signs of readiness appear
  2.  Infants can be toilet trained & out of diapers by their 1st birthday

Expectation #3

  1. ) Babies can be expected to make eye contact, which is a way of establishing intimacy & is part of attachment.
  2.  Babies can be expected to make eye contact, but they must learn not to make eye contact with elders.

Expectation #4

  1. Toddlers have to come to see themselves as individuals who can possess objects before they can learn to share. They have to understand ownership.
  2.  Toddlers have to understand that they are not individuals & that all possessions are shared. They can be expected to share from birth.

Part 3: Read Gonzalez-Mena & Bhavnagri (2000) AND Im, Parlakian, & Sanchez (2007); I suggest completing this handout as you read the articles.

GonzalezMena & Bhavnagri (2000)


Im, Parlakian & Sanchez (2007)

Part 4:

1) Use Hypothesis to identify where Denise uses self-knowledge, reflective thinking, cultural sensitivity, or culturally informed teaching. How is she demonstrating the skill you identify, as defined by Gonzalez-Mena & Bhavnagri (2000) and Im, Parlakian, & Sanchez (2007)?

2) Answer the questions following the scenario.

Denise, an infant teacher, was surprised to hear the mother of 9-month-old Sunil explain that she had begun potty-training her son. Denise’s immediate reaction was that 9 months was too early! She felt that potty training should begin at 2, at the earliest. This is what Denise learned in her classes and training. And it’s what she did with her own children.

But Denise also knew that this family was from a culture different from her own. Sunil’s parents had recently moved to the U.S. from India. She knew this might mean the family used child-rearing strategies that were different from the ones she had learned.

Denise wondered what Sunil’s mother meant by “toilet training.” Denise learned from Sunil’s mother that “toilet training” for her meant she held him over the toilet several times during the day. Then she made a “psssshhh” sound. This gently encouraged him to urinate. She made clear that Sunil is relaxed and enjoys being held comfortably by his mother when she does this. She never held him over the toilet once he showed signs of being restless. She also never worried about it if he did not urinate. Sooner or later, she explained, Sunil would learn to go when he was held over the toilet. She wanted Denise to try this at the program as well. She offered to show Denise exactly how she uses this technique. Denise agreed.

Denise said that she was worried about this taking a lot of time. She thought that on some days, it might be hard for her to take this time with Sunil. They agreed to try things out for a week and then talk about how it was going. Denise also offered Sunil’s mother information on the Western approach to toilet training. Sunil’s mother and Denise talked about how they each have learned a different way to help children get ready to use the toilet. At the same time they both agreed that children should not be forced to use the toilet before they are ready.

  1. How did self-knowledge, reflective thinking, cultural sensitivity, or culturally informed teaching help Denise in working with Sunil and his mother? Refer to both to the Gonzalez-Mena & Bhavnagri (2000) and Im, Parlakian, & Sanchez (2007) readings in your response.
  2. How do you think Denise’s response affected her relationship with Sunil and his family?
  3. When do you think the “right” time is to start potty training? What experiences in your life might have influenced your thinking about this issue?
  4. Is the family of your Infant/Family Case Study following a set schedule or the child’s natural rhythms? How do you know? Give evidence to support your answer.

Module 7: What is Culture? Assignment #2: Individualism vs Collectivism

Watch the video

Review the handout

Individualists & Collectivists

Answer the questions below:

  1. Were raised in a family/ culture that was individualist or collectivist? How do you know? Give specific examples to support your conclusion.
  2. Is your Infant/ Family Case Study family collectivist or individualist family/ culture? How do you know? Give specific examples to support your conclusion.
  3. How can infant classrooms support families and babies who are from collectivist cultures? How can infant teachers arrange the classroom, materials, and activities to focus on collectivism (“we”) as opposed to individualism (“me”)? List specific practices and ways staff can support babies and families.  List methods that have not yet been mentioned.

Weekly Module 7: What is Culture? Assignment #1: Overview of Culture


Assignment #1: Overview of Culture

This assignment has 3 parts:

Part 1: Go to FlipGrid ( your user name is your first name as it appears in CUNY First) to answer these questions

Reflect then answer the following questions:

  • How did you become aware of your personal identity (nationality, culture, and ethnicity)?
  • What early messages did you receive about other groups?
  • How did you define family when you were growing up? Has your definition changed?
  • What messages did you receive about your family’s socioeconomic status?
  • Were girls treated differently from boys in your family? What were your family’s expectations for you?
  • How and when were you encouraged to express your ideas and feelings?
  • Was it acceptable to be noisy and active in your home, or were children expected to be seen and not heard?
  • How was discipline handled?
  • Was independence encouraged?
  • Why is it important to reflect on these questions if you are planning to become an infant teacher?

Part 2: Read Gonzalez-Mena (2008)

Gonzalez-Mena (2008) Chap 1

Part 3: Read Cultural Differences Scenarios. Pick 3 scenarios; for each scenario answer the following questions:

Cultural Differences Scenarios

  1. Which scenario did you choose?  Why?
  2. What is your reaction to the scenariio? Why?
  3. What impact does the difference in cultural practices have on the child? Why?
  4. Is there another way to handle the situation?
  5. How does this connect to the Gonzalez-Mena (2008) reading? Make specific connections, identifying the page number.

Reply to 1-2 other comments!

Module 6: Keeping Families Informed: Assignment 2: Communicating with Families in Practice

Read Keyser (2017)

Keyser (2017)

Watch TAPS: Partnership with Families Part 4 (2012); complete this handout as you watch the video

After reading Keyser (2017) and watching TAPS: Partnership with Families Part 4, answer the questions below, using evidence from both the reading and video:

  1. How should infant teachers communicate with families with infants to engage and build partnerships with the families? Why?
  2. How is the conversation Rukmini had with the family similar to conversations your family had with your teachers/ school staff? How is it different?
  3. Is negotiation important when working with families of infants? Why?

Respond to 2 other comments!