Author Archives: Jen Longley

Module 12: When Conflicts Arise

Read Gillespie (2006). Complete this handout as your read


Watch TAPS: Partnerships with Families Part 3. Complete this handout as you watch the video

Read the When Conflicts Arise Scenarios.  Imagine you are the teacher in the situation

Conflict Scenarios –O

Pick 2 scenarios and answers the following questions for each scenario:

  • What would you say to the family?
  • What are some of the concerns a family/ teachers may have around the issue?
  • Use evidence from Gillespie (2006) and TAPS: Partnerships with Families Part 3 video to support your response

Module 11 Rituals & Routines with Families Assignment #2: Transitions in Action

Read Goldsmith & Theilhiemer and Block (2014). Complete this handout as you read the articles.

Goldsmith & Theilheimer (2015) Block (2014)

Watch TAPS Partnerships with Families: Part 2  Complete this handout as you watch the video.

Answer the questions below using information from the readings and video to support your answer:

  1. Would you want to work in a infant classroom that has  phase in? Why?
  2. Would you want your baby to go to a program that has phase-in? Why?
  3. As an infant teacher, would you want to conduct home visits?  Why?
  4. Do you want your baby’s teachers to visit your home? Why?
  5. Include information from both readings and the video in your responses.

Respond to 1-2 other comments!

Module 5 Family Engagement in Action Assignment #2: Scenarios (9/21-9/26)

Read Practices that Engage Families.  

Engaging Practices Scenarios

Pick 2 practices then answer the questions below:

  1. Which practices did you chose? Why?
  2. How would feel about if each practice was implemented in your infant classroom? Why?
  3. Does the practice engage families in a reciprocal, strengths-based, individualized, participatory manner? Give evidence to support your answer.

Respond to 2 other comments from people who chose at least 1 different practice different then you!

Module 5 Family Engagement in Action Assignment #1: Examining Family Engagement

This assignment has 3 parts:

Part 1: Complete the Tri-Semester Survey

Part 2: Go to FlipGrid ( your username is your first name as it appears on CUNY First) and answer these questions:

  1. What are 3 words that you would use to describe yourself?
  2. How are the strategies you identified in Module 1 working?
    • What strategies are working well?
    • What adjustments could you make to ensure your success?
    • What have you learned about yourself as a student taking your classes online?

Part 3: Read Koralek, Nemeth & Ramsey (2019)

Koralek, Nemeth & Ramsey (2019)

Answer the questions below, citing evidence from Koralek, Nemeth & Ramsey (2019):

  1. Why should family engagement be reciprocal, strengths-based, individualized, and participatory? In your response, explain what the terms mean in your own words.
  2. Did your teachers and school staff (pre-K through graade12) engage your family in a reciprocal, strengths-based, individualized, and participatory manner? Provide specific evidence to support your conclusion.
  3. How can infant teachers engage families with babies in ways that are reciprocal, strengths-based, individualized, and participatory? List specific ideas that no one has mentioned yet!


Module 3 Who are Families? Assignment #2: Exploring Families (9/14-9/20)

Pick 1 reading:

Watch Our Family: A Film About Family Diversity (2016)

Watch Homeless Babies and Toddlers Endure Tough Long Days on San Diego Streets (2013)

Citing extensively from both the videos and the reading (I explain how to cite in posts in this video) answer the questions below:

  1. Which article did you chose? Why?
  2. What are the strengths of the families you read about and saw in the videos?
  3. What challenges do the families you read and saw in the videos face?
  4. How are the program staff from the readings and videos using the family model of relationship-based programming from Baker & Manfretti/ Petit, 2004 (p. 13) in Module 2 Assignment #1 to form relationships with families? Identify specific practices. What else could staff do?

Module 3 Who are Families? Assignment #1: Thinking about Families (9/6-9/13)

Community Building Questions

As part of strengthening our learning community, please answer the following questions so we can get to know each other:

  1. How are you doing today?
  2. What is your favorite color?
  3. What is your favorite food?
  4. What is your favorite movie?
  5. What is your favorite hobby?
  6. WOULD YOU PREFER THE DAY THE ASSIGNMENTS ARE DUE EACH WEEK BE WEDNESDAY AT 11:59 PM instead of Sunday at 11:59 PM?  If everyone agrees, I will revise the dates the modules/ assignments are due to be Wednesday.  It must be unanimous for me to make the change, and would start with Module 5.

Reply to 2 other comments!

Reflect on then answer the following questions on FlipGrid ( log in using your first name as listed on CUNY First):

  1. Who is in your family?
  2. How do you define family?
  3. What did the staff in the schools you attended (pre-K through high school) do to build relationships with all members of your family — not just your parents/ guardians?  How did that impact you? How did it impact your family’s connection to your teachers/ school?

Reply to 1 other video!