Module 6 Assignment 3: Site Visit Reflection (6/29-7/1)

Answer the questions below about the classroom you visited in Module 6 Assignment #1:

  1. Which classroom did you visit? Why?
  2. What struck you about the visit? Why?
  3. What did you learn about working with groups children in the age group you visited — groups of infant-toddlers, groups of preschool age children, groups of young school age children?
  4. Can you picture yourself working in a classroom with the age group you observed? Why?
  5. Can you picture yourself working in the specific classroom you observed? Why?

Reply to 2 other comments!

Module 6 Assignment #2 Professional Development Plan (6/29-7/1)

After exploring career opportunities available in the field of early childhood education, it is  time to think about your goals beyond ECE 110-Seminar.  A Professional Development Plan (PDP) is an outline of your career objectives, strengths, areas where you can continue to grow, and the steps you plan to take to reach your goals.  A PDP is an evolving document — it changes as  you travel on your career path.  However, completing a PDP is the first step in achieving your future career aspirations!

Please complete this Professional Development Plan.  You can email it to me or post it on Blackboard for ECE 110-Seminar (in the Assignments menu on the left, under “Professional Development Plan).

Module 6 Assignment #1 Site Visit (6/29-7/1)

In ECE 110-Seminar we have explored options to work with different age groups in early childhood — infants-toddlers, preschool age children, and young school age children.

Now, it’s time to take a virtual site visit to 1 classroom for the age group you plan to work with.  If you plan to work with infants-toddlers  visit the infant-toddler classroom in the video below, if you want to work with preschool age children watch the video of the preschool classroom below, or if you hope to work with young school age children observe the young school age class in the video below.   If you are unsure of the age group you want to work with, pick the age you are most curious about or want to know more about.

Watch 1 video.  Complete this form as you watch the video.  After completing the form, email it to me or submit it on  Blackboard for ECE 110-Seminar, in the Assignment sections (menu item on the left) as the “Site Visit Form”.

Infant Classroom:

Pre-K Classroom:

Young School Age Classroom:

Module 5 Assignment 2: Ethics & Professionalism When Working with Young School Age Children (6/22-6/28)

Read the NAEYC Code of Ethics


Thinking in the context of working with young school age children, answer the following questions:

  1. Is it professional to wear jeans to work? Why?
  2. Is it professional to talk about your personal life with the children? Why?
  3. Is it professional to take out your cell phone when the children are around? Why?
  4. Is it professional to show pictures of the children in your class to your friends? Why?
  5. Is it professional to bring small treats for your “favorite” children if the other children don’t know? Why?
  6. Pick 3 Ethical Dilemmas.
    1. Which situations did you pick?
    2. How would you handle the situation if you were the teacher in the classroom? WHY?

Reply to 2 other posts — try to reply to people who had different views then you do.

Module 5 Assignment #1: Working with Young School Age Children Virtual Tours (6/22-6/28)

Review this Power Point.  I review the Power Point in the video below:

Visit these young school age classrooms; as you watch the videos, look for the elements involved in working with young school age children.  How are the elements demonstrated in the each video?  This handout may help as you watch the videos.

Classroom 1:

Classroom 2:

Classroom 3:    Then go to the “Patterns” video

Classroom 4:    Then go to the  “Taking attendance” video

Module 4 Assignment #1: Working with Preschool Age Children Virtual Tour (6/15-6/21)

Review Power Point.  I review the Power Point in the video below:


Visit these preschool classrooms; as you watch the videos, look for the elements involved in working with preschool age children.  How are the elements demonstrated in the each video?  This handout may help as you watch the videos.

Classroom #1:

Classroom #2:

Classroom #3:

Classroom # 4:

After watching the videos, answer the following questions:

  1. What elements of working with preschool age children  do you see demonstrated in the classrooms you visited virtually?
  2. How are the elements demonstrated in each classroom?

Module 4 Assignment #2: Ethics & Professionalism When Working with Preschool Age Children (6/15-6/21)

Read the NAEYC Code of Ethics


Answer the following questions:

Professionalism Questions

  1. Is it professional to eat in front of the children while they are eating? Why?
  2. Is it professional to be setting up the morning activities in the classroom as the children arrive in the morning? Why?
  3. Is it professional to finish a child’s art project if the child asks you to? Why?
  4. Is it professional to ask a family to help with an activity/ lesson you are leading? Why?
  5. Is it professional to give your boss a week’s notice if you plan to quit? Why?
  6. Pick 3 Ethical Dilemmas.
    1. Which stations did you pick?
    2. How would you handle the situation if you were the teacher in the classroom? WHY?

Reply to 2 other posts — try to reply to people who had different views then you do.

Module 3 Assignment #1: Working with Infants & Toddlers Virtual Tour (6/8-6/14)

Review this Power Point.  I review  the Power Point in this video:


Visit these infant-toddler classrooms; as you watch the videos, look for the elements involved in working with infants and toddlers.  How are the elements demonstrated in the each video?  This handout may help as you watch the videos.

Classroom #1:

Classroom #2:

Classroom #3:

Classroom #4:

After watching the videos, answer the following questions:

  1. What elements of working with infants and toddlers do you see demonstrated in the classrooms you visited virtually?
  2. How are the elements demonstrated in each classroom?


Module 3 Assignment 2: Working with Infants & Toddlers Ethics & Professionalism (6/8-6/14)

Read the NAEYC Code of Ethics

NAEYC Code of Ethics (2011)

Answer the following questions:

Professionalism Questions

  1. Is it professional to have long nails when working with infants & toddlers? Why?
  2. Is it professional to wear sweat pants when working with infants & toddlers? Why?
  3. Is it professional to talk to families about what is wrong with the program? Why?
  4. Is it professional to share what families have told you about their personal life with other staff? Why?
  5. Is it professional to tell families when they should stop giving their child a bottle? Why?
  6. Pick 3 Ethical Dilemmas.
    1. Which sitations did you pick?
    2. How would you handle the situation if you were the teacher in the classroom? WHY?

Reply to 2 other posts — try to reply to people who had different views then you do.

Module 2 Assignment #1: Career at BMCC ECE Handbook Activity (6/1-6/7)

ECE Student Handbook--2019

Develop 3 questions from sections of the ECE Handbook for your colleagues to answer.  Put the page number where the answer can be found in parentheses at the end of the question:

  • If your last name starts with the letters A-E, develop 3 questions from the sections Our Mission, Our Values, and Preparing ECE Teachers (p. 3-4)
  • If your last names starts with the letters F-J, develop 3 questions from section Choosing your Major (p. 5-6).
  • If your last name starts with the letters K-O, develop 3 questions from the sections BMCC Early Childhood Program Requirements and ECE-ECI Major Areas of Study and Concentration Course Titles and Descriptions (p. 7-11).
  • If your last name starts with the letters P-T, develop 3 questions from the sections Student Professionalism Policy and CUNY Disciplinary Policy (p. 11-13)
  • If you last name starts with the letters U-Z, develop 3 questions from the sections Course Fieldwork and Fieldwork Guidelines (p. 13-16)


Answer questions about the 4 other sections