Module Objectives
In this module you will:
- Develop a construct of professions in our society
- Create a list of professional expectations for early childhood educators
- Reflect on professionalism in early childhood education
Power Point from Class
Link to Professionalism Power Point
Materials from Class
Read Borenfreund & Goffin (2016) and Talan (2017); complete this handout as you read.
Link to Talan (2017)
Talan (2017)
Link to Bornfreund & Goffin (2016)
Bornfreund & Goffin (2017)
NY Core Body of Knowledge
Link to NY Core Body of Knowledge
NYWFC_Core-Body-of_Knowledge(2)Professionalism Policy Statement
The Teacher Education Department developed a Professionalism Policy Statement that explains the Department’s definition of professional behavior for the field, expectations for professional behavior for students, and outlines the actions that occur when students engage in discriminatory and/or harmful behavior. ECE 110-Seminar students sign the Professionalism Policy Statement to indicate they have received, reviewed, and understand the Teacher Education Department’s Professionalism Policy. To receive credit for completing this assignment:
- Review the Teacher Education Department’s Professionalism Policy Statement
- Sign the document
- Submit the signed document on Blackboard (in ‘Assignments’ under ‘Professionalism Policy Statement’)
BMCC_TED_StudentProfessionalismPolicy 2020 REV.docx
Link to Professionalism Policy Statement