Module 8: Creating Profiles & ePortfolios


Module Objectives

In this module you will:

  • Create a professional development plan
  • Initiate your APIRE Registry Profile
  • Develop your e-Portfolio

Power Point from Class

Link to Creating Profiles & Portfolios Power Point

Material from Class

Professional Development Plan

Complete your Professional Development Plan. You will post the completed your Professional Development Plan to your ECE e-Portfolio.

Link to Professional Development Plan

Link to Professional Development Plan (MS Word)

Link to Professional Development Plan (Google Doc) you must copy the document to your Google Drive

Professional Development Plan REV

This is a sample for Professional Development Plan:

Link to Sample Professional Development Plan

PDP Example

Participation in Our Learning Community Self-Assessment

Complete the Participation in Our Learning Community Self- Assessment

Link to Participation in Our Learning Community Self-Assessment (MS Word)

Link to Participation in Our Learning Community Self-Assessment (Google Doc) you will have to copy the document to your Google Drive

Participation in Learning Community Self Assessment Sp 22


Below is a sample completed Self-Assessment form —   indicate which column you fall in the way that works best for you

Link to sample completed Self-Assessment Form

Self Assessment Example


I appreciate your honest & open feedback to help me improve the course.  Complete the End-of-Course Survey

ASPIRE Registry Profile

Develop your ASPIRE Registry Profile at

To learn more about the ASPIRE Registry, review the brochure:


Watch this video about the ASPIRE Registry

ECE e-Portfolio

Create your ECE e-Portfolio.  Follow the instruction in this video or the handout below:


Link to instructions to claim ECE e-Portfolio

Choosing OL ECE EPortfolio Template REV

ECE Program Planning Form

When you are advised, I suggest you 1) bring this form with you, and 2) keep a copy for your records.  This outlines all of the classes the ECE program recommends you take. Although this is your education and you have autonomy and power to decide, we suggest these specific courses for the following reasons:

  1. Articulation agreements — these are legally binding agreements between 2-year and 4-year colleges in which both colleges identify which courses a student will take at the 2-year college and the 4-year college agrees to accept all of the credits a student completes at the 2-year college — but the student must meet all of the requirements for 4-year college, such as GPA, specific grades for specific classes, etc.
  2. Courses Required for NYS ECE Teacher Certification — NY State Education Department requires teacher candidates to take specific college courses in order to become a certified teacher; these courses, along with those you take at your 4-year college, meet those requirements
  3. Preparation for NYS Teacher Certification Exams — teacher candidates are required to complete 3 rigorous exams in NYS.  The exams cover general knowledge (math, science, Social Studies, English, art, etc.)  as well as best practices in early childhood education and working with diverse learners (children with disabilities and multi-language learners). These courses will help prepare you for those exams
ECE program requirements_rev_3.11.20

Link to ECE Program Planning Form