Module 2: Career at BMCC (9/12)


Module Objectives

In this module you will:

  1. Examine the requirements and expectations of BMCC’s Early Childhood Education Program
  2. Identify programs at BMCC that can support your success
  3. Evaluate programs at BMCC that can support your success

Power Point from Class

Career at BMCC

Material from Class

Link to BMCC Teacher Ed Handbook

ECE Student Handbook--2020


Link to Teacher Ed Department Professionalism Policy Statement

BMCC_TED_StudentProfessionalismPolicy 2020 REV.docx



To sign the Teacher Education Department Professionalism Policy Statement

    1. Open the BMCC Teacher Education Professionalism Policy Statement document
    2. Download and save the document to your device
    3. Sign the document
    4. Save the document again to your device
    5. Submit the signed BMCC Teacher Education Department Professionalism Policy Statement on Blackboard, under ‘Assignments’


Link to BMCC’s Student Hub website 

Post: BMCC Resources

Think about the BMCC resources that we explored today.  What BMCC resources will you use to support your success while you are a student at BMCC?