Professional Development Plan


Purpose: The purpose of creating a Professional Development Plan is to:

  • Articulate your career goals
  • Develop a Identify a plan to achieve your goals
  • Foster your identity as an early childhood professionalism

Task: Complete the Professional Development Plan template

Steps: Follow these steps to create your Professional Development Plan

  1. Navigate to Module 8 on BMCC’s Open Lab
  2. Review the questions on the Professional Development Plan and:
    1. The sample Professional Development Plan
    2. “Where to Find Answers for your Professional Development Plan”
  3. Open the Professional Development Plan document
  4. Download and save the blank Professional Development Plan document to your device
  5. Answer the questions on the Professional Development Plan, use as exemplars and guides the:
    1. sample Professional Development Plan
    2. “Where to Find Answers for your Professional Development Plan”
  6. Save your Professional Development Plan again to your device
  7. Submit your Professional Development Plan on Blackboard, under ‘Assignments’
  8. Post your Professional Development Plan on your ECE e-Portfolio, in ‘Academic Artifacts for ECE 110-Seminar


A Professional Development Plan enables you to articulate your career goals, your strengths, and opportunities for growth so that you can achieve your goals. The Professional Development Plan may serve as a road map for your career path as an early childhood professional. The Professional Development Plan is meant to be a living document, being revised as your career evolves.


Assessment Rubric (1 point – must meet Learner or Competent in all elements to earn 1 point)






All of the prompted were answered with thorough & complete responses

All of the prompts were answered

Most of the prompts were answered

Connection to Class

There were several specific meaningful, well-thought out connections to material from class

There were several specific connections to material from class

There were some connections to material from class


There is evidence of many meaningful, thoughtful, well-developed reflections

There was evidence of several meaningful reflections

There was evidence of few, vague, reflections.


All of the responses were clear, organized, coherent, & there was evidence of proof reading

All of the prompt were clear, organized, & coherent.

Many of the prompts were clear, organized, & coherent.



Link to Professional Development Plan

Link to Professional Development Plan (MS Word)

Professional Development Plan REV



Link to sample Professional Development Plan

PDP Example

