Purpose: The purpose of creating a Professional Development Plan is to:
- Articulate your career goals
- Develop a Identify a plan to achieve your goals
- Foster your identity as an early childhood professionalism
Task: Complete the Professional Development Plan template
Steps: Follow these steps to create your Professional Development Plan
- Navigate to Module 8 on BMCC’s Open Lab
- Review the questions on the Professional Development Plan and:
- The sample Professional Development Plan
- “Where to Find Answers for your Professional Development Plan”
- Open the Professional Development Plan document
- Download and save the blank Professional Development Plan document to your device
- Answer the questions on the Professional Development Plan, use as exemplars and guides the:
- sample Professional Development Plan
- “Where to Find Answers for your Professional Development Plan”
- Save your Professional Development Plan again to your device
- Submit your Professional Development Plan on Blackboard, under ‘Assignments’
- Post your Professional Development Plan on your ECE e-Portfolio, in ‘Academic Artifacts for ECE 110-Seminar
A Professional Development Plan enables you to articulate your career goals, your strengths, and opportunities for growth so that you can achieve your goals. The Professional Development Plan may serve as a road map for your career path as an early childhood professional. The Professional Development Plan is meant to be a living document, being revised as your career evolves.
Assessment Rubric (1 point – must meet Learner or Competent in all elements to earn 1 point)
Prompts |
All of the prompted were answered with thorough & complete responses |
All of the prompts were answered |
Most of the prompts were answered |
Connection to Class |
There were several specific meaningful, well-thought out connections to material from class |
There were several specific connections to material from class |
There were some connections to material from class |
Reflection |
There is evidence of many meaningful, thoughtful, well-developed reflections |
There was evidence of several meaningful reflections |
There was evidence of few, vague, reflections. |
Clarity |
All of the responses were clear, organized, coherent, & there was evidence of proof reading |
All of the prompt were clear, organized, & coherent. |
Many of the prompts were clear, organized, & coherent. |
Link to Professional Development Plan
Link to Professional Development Plan (MS Word)
Professional Development Plan REV
Link to sample Professional Development Plan
PDP ExampleProfessional-Development-Plan-REV