Social-Emotional Development

Module Objectives

In this module you will:

    1. Explore social-emotional development in young children
    2. Examine the impact of temperament in young children
    3. Explore social-emotional development in young children
    4. Analyze theories related to moral development

Activity #1: Handout

Complete this handout as you read and watch:

    1. Flexible, Fearful and Fiesty
    2. VLS (2013) Social-Emotional
    3.  Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development
    4. Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development
    5. Bandura and Social Learning Theory

Temperament in Young Children

Watch Flexible, Fearful and Fiesty.

Optional Reading: Link to Allard & Hunter (2010)

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Social-Emotional Development in Young Children


Link to  VLS (2013) Social-Emotional




Watch: Bandura and Social Learning Theory


Video Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development — stop the video at 9:05


Optional Video: Preschoolers: Social and Emotional Development (Kanopy); this video is available on the BMCC library video database Kanopy; follow these directions to locate the video.

Moral Development 


Link to Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development



Activity #2: Upload Completed Readings & Videos Handout

Upload your completed Handout to Blackboard, in ‘Assignments’ under ‘Social-Emotional Development Handout’.